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Riverbed SteelFusion

Developers: Riverbed Technology
Last Release Date: 2017/03/10
Technology: IaaS - Infrastructure as service,  Virtualization,  Data processing centers - technologies for DPC


2017: Riverbed SteelFusion 5.0

On March 10, 2017 Riverbed Technology announced release of release of the version of Riverbed SteelFusion 5.0. In it support function of network systems of data storage (NAS) is implemented.

The Riverbed company is glad to provide SteelFusion 5.0 as the solution for the software-defined periphery. Thanks to it, control of IT infrastructure of a remote location is exercised with a cloud performance. From SteelFusion of the organization receive the expanded solution for software-defined services which provides flexibility, control and automation for management of IT of remote offices. Having added support of the DPCs network storages NAS to already available support of SAN and object-oriented storages, our customers will have an opportunity to transfer capacities, security and security of DPC and the cloud storage to all locations where they do business.

Alexander Stulov, the chief representative of Riverbed in Russia and the CIS

Capability of SteelFusion to project storages and virtual services from DPCs with centralized operation or clouds in remote locations are supported by scalable approach of IT to implementation of remote applications and services and management by them at any number of offices.

SteelFusion 5.0 will be available at the end of March, 2017.


Riverbed SteelFusion и на IBM Cloud

On September 14, 2016 Riverbed Technology submitted the upgraded version of Riverbed SteelFusion.

The technology is available in the form of cloud and virtual options now (including the solution on the IBM Cloud platform) that gives to clients more opportunities of transformation of a distributed infrastructure to the software-defined periphery which will become flexible, safe and cost-efficient.

Riverbed SteelFusion expands possibilities of cloud environments using support of Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services

In March, 2016 Riverbed Technology announced that Riverbed SteelFusion, the hyper convergent solution for branches, expands a scope of cloud environments thanks to support of Azure via Microsoft StorSimple and Amazon Web Services through AWS Storage Gateway. Clients received more flexible and wide choice of cloud storages in remote locations and also opportunities to use a cloud as an alternative storage system for additional capacity, backup or in combination with private clouds.

"We are glad to provide to the clients using SteelFusion, it is more than options and flexibility at the expense of an opportunity to store the remote data in a cloud, whether it be Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services — Paul O'Farrell, the senior vice president and the CEO of the solutions SteelHead, SteelFusion and SD-WAN in Riverbed company says. — Many of the modern enterprises already passed to hybrid model and store data at the same time both in a cloud, and in DPC. Now, having access to the cloud storage and opportunities of backup through SteelFusion, our clients will be able easily to use a cloud as secondary storage without prejudice to users on the periphery".

This message follows April release of SteelFusion 4.0 within which hardware platforms were completely updated and upgraded that allowed to improve performance and scaling for remote platforms and regional nodes of any sizes. In November the Riverbed company announced that SteelFusion will support the clients using VMware vSphere 6. Today Riverbed continues to expand SteelFusion ecosystem using the leading suppliers of cloud services of AWS and Microsoft, providing to the companies additional flexibility of access to cloud storages, means of backup and mnogourovny storage from the uniform centralized location that eliminates need to invest in expensive physical servers in remote locations.

"In Enterprise Strategy Group we are very impressed with unique opportunities of SteelFusion which allow to simplify considerably management of the virtualized applications, security and data protection of remote offices of branches — Colm Keegan, the senior analyst on cloud computing of Enterprise Strategy Group company comments. — Only one hyper convergent SteelFusion device gives to the organizations the simple chance for rapid implementation of the virtualized computing resources in branches. This tool meets all requirements of performance of applications, scalability of infrastructure and high availability which are necessary at remote offices. At the same time it allows IT administrators of head office to manage data, on a centralized basis to perform backup and to protect the crucial business data located in remote applications. Through SteelFusion it is possible to start and disconnect branch, to move it, to make the backup copy or surprisingly quickly to recover — all this as from the central DPC, and now from a cloud, without resorting to the help of service staff of branch. SteelFusion helps the enterprises to respond to various requirements to performance of applications in remote locations and at the same time reduces complexity of work and reduces risks".

Combining the virtualization, best in the class, "smart" providing data in DWH and technology of WAN optimization, SteelFusion is the hyper convergent infrastructure developed for the solution IT of tasks of remote offices and branches. SteelFusion:

  • Removes all physical servers, DWH and the valuable data from remote locations and branches;
  • Consolidates and accelerates vremyazatratny IT transactions in remote locations, including processes of backup and data protection, provides providing new services and platforms and also fast recovery in the central DPCs within single solution;
  • Expands corporate security, services and reliability of the central DPC and clouds to remote locations, irrespective of distance and without prejudice to performance.

Unlike the hyper convergent solutions developed especially for simplification of infrastructures of DPCs, SteelFusion is created for receiving "the hyper convergent periphery" — a branch network. SteelFusion at the same time fulfills the main requirements of business, the IT organizations and employees — reduces operating costs on management of remote locations, increases data security, improves the continuity of business processes and flexibility of IT due to acceleration of data recovery in 100 and more times and faster (by 30 times) implementations of services of branches and platforms. The solution also provides performance improvement of applications in branches (to level by 100 times) that increases their efficiency.


Riverbed SteelFusion 4.2

On November 17, 2015 the Riverbed Technology company announced support by the solution Riverbed SteelFusion of version 4.2 of the VMware vSphere 6 system.

Scheme of interaction of software (2015)

Riverbed SteelFusion is the solution for hyper convergent infrastructures which centralizes 100% of all data and physical servers of remote points in DPC. It occurs without prejudice to the local performance and availability of applications regardless of their location. Centralization allows IT specialists to transfer security, stability and efficiency of the infrastructure used in DPC to all remote locations in which business operations, including regional offices, local shops, banks, the manufacturing plants, hospitals, the government centers, law firms, etc. are performed.

Result of such transfer — adaptivity improvement, risk reduction and business costs. The release follows an April release of the solution SteelFusion 4.0 within which hardware platforms are completely upgraded that allowed to provide big efficiency and universality of application for remote platforms and regional nodes of any sizes.

The release of SteelFusion 4.2 is available since November, 2015.

There was a version of SteelFusion 4.0

On April 21, 2015 Riverbed Technology announced an exit in May, 2015 of release of the version of SteelFusion 4.0. The product is focused on convergent infrastructure of branches of the companies.

Due to virtualization and consolidation of 100% of data and servers in DPC, centralization of mechanisms on data security provision and management of IT, using SteelFusion 4.0, in branches IT infrastructure is not required. The solution meets the requirements of the modern distributed filial environment, allowing the organizations to refuse servers, DWH and backup copies at the level of branches. Besides, provides immediate data recovery, complete security, transparency of the IT system and effective functioning of applications.

The processed product SteelFusion 4.0 provides the big performance and scalability for remote offices of any sizes. The functionality of FusionSync is responsible for the continuity of business processes in branches, data availability in private and hybrid cloud environments, stability and instant postdisaster recovery.

Changes in SteelFusion

  • the SteelFusion Edge platform provides amount of memory for virtual machines with the maximum power of 256 GB for processing of bigger number of local working tasks in large branches and the regional centers. Three models of the new SteelFusion Edge platform include Advanced Tiering Cache (expanded multi-layer system of storage) which supplements existing a record cache memory the opportunities similar to functioning of a disk. The new Edge platform replaces all existing SteelFusion Edge models.

  • the SteelFusion Core platform - for expansion of opportunities of big, global projects. SteelFusion Core supplements the SteelFusion Edge platform. The platform is intended for support of bigger number of branches, ensuring bigger power and higher performance — it allows the organizations to expand possibilities of IT infrastructure and to provide support to larger corporate projects.

  • FusionSync - for ensuring continuity of business operations. The functionality of a system synchronizes data of branches in private and hybrid cloud environments, provides availability of all data of branch in case of failure in a data processing center. The organizations can recover data of branch and DPC in case of malfunctions within several minutes and almost without loss.

The solution SteelFusion 4.0 will become available in May, 2015.

Riverbed SteelFusion

Riverbed SteelFusion is the convergent infrastructure providing local performance with a possibility of centralization of data, fast recovery. The solution is created especially for branches of the companies.

Architecture of Riverbed, 2014

As of March 25, 2015 SteelFusion helps to integrate servers and storage systems in a uniform array, sending data to a data processing center. At the same time all advantages of local operation of the user servers in branches remain.

Representation of Riverbed SteelFusion, 2014