Customers: Agroresources Science city of Koltsovo; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Azoft (Novintel) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2014/01
Number of licenses: 50
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The Following Functions Were Automated:
- Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management
- Settlement with suppliers
- Accounting of arrival of Inventories
- Different industry specifics
- Production, services
- Calculation of actual cost
- Certification of quality of raw materials and products
- The cost accounting on production
- Fixed asset accounting, depreciation calculation
- Accounting of overalls and special equipment
- Other
- Integration with industry products of third-party developers
- Sales management, logistics and transport (SFM, WMS, TMS)
- Sales (sale), service, marketing
- Settlement with buyers
- Wholesale
- Retail
- Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
- Budgeting, financial planning
- Cash management (treasury)
- Management accounting
- Management accounting and cost accounting by method of ABC
- Financial analysis
- Other
- Planning and organization of public catering
Work on the Adaptation of the Standard Solution
Within adaptation of the standard solution it was executed:
- the subsystem of automatic formation of data of a budgeting subsystem on the basis of data of the managerial and regulated accounting is developed (the possibility of interpretation of data to the primary document is implemented)
- the management reporting according to requirements and standards of the enterprise is developed
- the integration module with the current information systems is developed
- the functionality of a subsystem of approval of requests for a funds expenditure, regarding drawing up routes of approval and notification of users is considerably expanded
Consultation on methodical questions of work with the program of 1C is performed Consultation on technical issues of work with software products of 1C is performed Updating of the platform and the standard configurations "1C: Enterprise", diagnostics of a status of information base, creation of archive copies is made
As a result of inspection of the enterprise the accounting system based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" since obvious advantages of this program over the used software products and other accounting systems were revealed was selected:
- An opportunity to work in a common information space, an opportunity to consolidate operational activity of the company in one enterprise management system;
- Wide choice of partners in implementation and subsequent support of the solution;
- Commonality and a standartizovannost of the program, current status of the regulated reporting;
- High accuracy of accounting, completeness of information and set of necessary analytical cuts of information;
In the course of implementation of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" it was finished under specific features of activity of the enterprise.
Training and start of a system in commercial operation was provided.
The following subsystems are implemented:
- Sales
- Retail sales
- Purchases
- Cash management
- Warehouse
- Products cost accounting
- Non-current assets
- Regulated accounting
- Budgeting
As a result of implementation of an information system the following results were achieved:
- A common information space which allowed to consolidate operational activity of the company in one enterprise management system is created;
- The accuracy and completeness of the business processes given on the majority sufficient both for current demands of the enterprise, and for future development of a system is provided;
- New analytical opportunities provided both employees, and heads of departments and divisions with the wide and unrolled information on activity of the company.
The implemented automated system allowed to move to a new level of enterprise management, considerably having accelerated process of formation of financial statements.
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
- Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
- Methodical ensuring specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (the requirement to adaptation)
- Creation of interfaces and sets of user rights
- Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation)
- Integration with other systems based on 1C: Enterprise
- Integration into third-party automation systems
- Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
- Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances
- Data transfer from the previous automation systems
- Individual training at office of the customer
- Training in group at office of the customer