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The IT committee of St. Petersburg obliged Rostec to share with the local company

Customers: Committee on IT and Communication of St. Petersburg

Project date: 2015/12

In December, 2014 the Committee on IT and Communication of St. Petersburg signed with the "National Center of Informatization" (NCI) entering into Rostec[1] for rendering maintenance services of the automated control system for city and suburban passenger transport of St. Petersburg for 2015.

Contract amount was 13.64 million rubles, and the list of the rendered services includes maintenance of hardware of a system, support of databases, the general and application software of a system and also consultation of users.

In turn, the NCI concluded with the Ekstremum company which is based in St. Petersburg and specializing in services in the field of data protection,[2] for rendering services in ensuring "steady functioning" of the automated control system for city and suburban passenger transport of St. Petersburg in 2015. The volume of this agreement was about 2.7 million rubles.

The NCI is going to become the long-term partner of SPb and the Leningrad Region in infrastructure IT projects on transport

Rostec explained TAdviser that within earlier concluded government contract with the Committee on IT and Communication of St. Petersburg the customer set the requirement to involve in rendering services of collaborators from among small business entities, socially oriented non-profit organizations.

The volume of the rendered services by such collaborators should be 20% of the contract price. What services should be rendered by the collaborator, is not set by the customer therefore a type of the rendered services and also the period of their rendering NCI sets independently.

Rostec added that the NCI strategically is going to develop the competences in management systems for transport. In plans of the center – to become the long-term partner of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in implementation of infrastructure IT projects on transport.

The list of services of the agreement about Extremum includes maintenance of a power supply system and uninterrupted power, support of databases of a system and support of the special software of a system.

According to Contour-Focus service, Extremum is one of founders Egor Kozhemyaka. He is the CEO and the cofounder of one more St. Petersburg company -"Confidant integration". Among cofounders of the last also -Konfident integrator.

In "Contour-Focus" it is specified, the total amount of the government contracts won for the last 12 months. "Confidant integration", exceeds 45 million rubles. At the same time from 28 contracts in base signed in 2014 on the 14th the committee on informatization and communication and SPb subordinated to it IAC acts as the customer.
