CORUS Consulting automated the Saturn enterprise based on ERP solution 1C and PostgreSQL DBMS
Customers: Saturn (metallurgy) Naberezhnye Chelny; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Corus Consulting Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Second product: PostgreSQL of DBMS Project date: 2015/03
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March 30, 2015. CORUS Consulting Group announced project completion of complex automation of all key tasks of the company "Saturn" based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" and DBMS PostgreSQL. As a result the enterprise increased output twice, the processing speed of orders increased by 40%.
Earlier accounting and planning in Saturn LLC were conducted manually while the number of listed products is more than 1000 positions. In process of growth and development of the company and corresponding increase in load of production capacities and also in connection with pronounced seasonality of business and the increased load from May to October the management Saturn had a need for automation of key processes of the enterprise, such as sales management and purchases, production planning, dispatching, payroll and others.
The project on implementation of a new information system was designed to solve the following problems:
- Optimization of the inventory level – both materials, and finished goods;
- Optimization of loading of the equipment and production personnel;
- Reduction of volume of labor costs on obtaining complete and operational information about sales and production, about deliveries and reserves of materials, receivables and payables;
- Automation of cost accounting;
- Data management about the production technology, structure and structure of products.
Choosing a Solution
For automation the complete solution based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system added with specialists of Corus Consulting MES- functionality for operational production management was selected. All server framework in Saturn company is set on OS Linux, as DBMS PostgreSQL is used. A choice for benefit of the free software was made not accidentally. Initially three DBMS key producers were considered, but after the analysis of cost of software and availability of technical support PostgreSQL DBMS was selected.
A system allowed to automate such key processes as production volume scheduling, production scheduling, material requirement planning and capacities, shop production planning (by turns), management of warehouse stocks, cost accounting.
The information system creates a common information space for service of purchases, PDO and a warehouse that led to reduction of volume of unproductive labor costs and increased efficiency of negotiations with suppliers. The quality and an information exchange rate between sales channels improved: dealer network, trading partners, wholesalers and retail.
Automation of control of receivables allowed to use working time of sales managers more effectively: on problems of repayment of receivables attention only to those clients on whom there are problems is paid now, and the released time is used for contacts with the new and existing clients.
Mainly, increase in efficiency of production processes managed to be reached at the expense of the solution of the following tasks:
- Conducting full production accounting with a possibility of data analysis. It helps to reveal and exclude defects sources, material losses and also possible errors or inaccuracies in process charts.
- Accounting of the equipment, its status, and location that allows to make timely decisions on repair or production of the new equipment. And also to plan work of production taking into account availability of the necessary equipment.
Specialists of Corus Consulting also made integration of the IC with other automated systems used in Saturn LLC: control system of access and system of accounting.
Among other achieved results - creation of uniform base for display of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. Transition to accounting to 1C allowed to provide efficiency of receiving and accuracy of the data on the movement of material flows, terms, actual stocks and expenses on all manufacturing stages of end products, representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.
"In a project deliverable the methodology of production planning and dispatching, methodology of accounting of procurements and semi-finished products on production sites and warehouses of the enterprise is developed. Besides, production document flow", - Vladimir Skorodumov, the area development director of 1C of CORUS Consulting Group was simplified and ordered.
"In a project deliverable the following processes are optimized: sales planning, proceeding from it production planning and raw materials purchases. The intra production logistics became transparent and available each head that considerably reduced time of heads for the solution production questions, such as: timely providing each section with materials and procurements, control over the implementation of the production plan. Also process of closing of dresses was automated that excluded a possibility of "additions" of additional hours to workers and accelerated settlement process of the salary. Regarding technology – all technical processes became readily available, the possibility of their analysis and the optimization following it", - Alina Fayruzova, the chief technologist of Saturn LLC appeared.