Samara regional clinical oncological clinic
For April, 2015 "The Samara regional clinical oncological clinic" - modern medical institution for rendering specialized medical care to patients with different new growths.
1940: Creation of the company
The oncological clinic conducts the history since 1940. On the basis of order No. 134 (12/6/1940) of the Kuibyshev regional health department the oncological clinic with 25 beds based on the gynecologic hospital which was located at the corner of streets of Kuibyshev and Leo Tolstoy with the small state, only 5 doctors was open.
Since 2009 the clinic is located in the new, built on the most modern technologies building located in a park zone on the left coast of Volga at a foot of Sokolyi Hills on Solnechnaya Street.
About a clinic
The state-funded health institution "Samara Regional Clinical Oncological Clinic" is modern medical institution for rendering specialized medical care to patients with different new growths.
- prevention of malignant new growths;
- all types of diagnostic testings;
- benign and malignant tumors operations;
- modern methods of radiation therapy;
- medicinal treatment of tumors;
- reconstructive and plastic surgery;
- rehabilitation and recovery treatment.
The hospital complex consists of clinic on 600 visits a day, 37 medical and diagnostic departments, the round-the-clock hospital on 723 beds, the operational block where about 60 transactions are executed daily. Annually in a clinic more than 18 thousand people receive treatment, it is executed up to 13 thousand surgeries, including the expanded combined reconstructive and plastic and organ-preserving transactions. X-ray surgical techniques, endoprosthesis replacement, a radio-frequency and ultrasonic ablation of primary tumors and metastases of different localizations are used. In departments of radiation therapy hi-tech methods using computer systems for planning and control of treatment, including brachytherapy, intraoperative radiation therapy, conformal, stereotaksichesky radiation are executed.
The oncological clinic is equipped with linear particle accelerators, the x-ray simulator, the device of ortovoltny therapy, an angiographic complex, computer and magnetic and resonant tomographs, x-ray installations, a gamma - diagnostic cameras of world leading manufacturers of medical equipment, ultrasonic devices of an expert class, the endoscopic and endovideo surgical equipment. In a clinic the single computer network for out-patient and diagnostic departments and a hospital is created.
In a clinic more than 1800 people among whom 316 doctors and 566 nurses work. Among them there are 3 Deserved doctors of the Russian Federation, 8 doctors of science, 35 candidates of medical sciences, 61% of specialists are doctors of the highest and the first qualification categories. More than 40 employees of a clinic, from them 15 - doctors, work in organization over 30 years, imparting the knowledge and experience to young specialists. Doctors of the Samara regional clinical oncological clinic actively work in many professional Russian and international societies and associations: Russian oncological, European (ESMO), American (ASCO) societies of oncologists and many others.
The Samara regional clinical oncological clinic is educational base on preparation and improvement of doctors of different specialties and average medical personnel. The clinic cooperates with the Samara state medical university. Teaching work is conducted by the staff of the university and a clinic on many specialties, including oncology, stomatology and maxillofacial surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, radiodiagnosis, surgery, surgery with a course of endoscopy, ultrasonic diagnostics, anesthesiology and resuscitation, pathological anatomy and physiology. Based on a clinic the Samara regional training center of average medical personnel where improvement on specialties "Nurse Business", "Pharmacology", "Anesthesiology resuscitation", "Laboratory Diagnostics", "Radiology" is carried out is located.
The Samara regional clinical oncological clinic, being the specialized scientific and methodical center, forms base for development of progressive technologies and researches in the field of oncology in the Volga Federal District.