Customers: Rospromstroy Shchyolkovo (Moscow Region)); Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: PromInfoConsult Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2013/04
Number of licenses: 150
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The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
- Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
- Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
- Individual training at office of the customer
The Following Functions Were Automated:
- Bank and cash desk
- Settlings with partners
- Inventory items
- Trade operations
- Production operations
- Fixed assets
- Intangible assets
- Payroll calculation and personnel records
- End of the period
- Accounting in separate divisions
- The regulated reporting
- Tax accounting
- Budgeting, financial planning
- Financial analysis
- Management accounting and cost accounting by method of ABC
- Management of warehouse stocks
- Management of an order warehouse
- Reservation of Inventories
- Accounting of Inventories in shop storerooms
- Complete set and disassembling of Inventories
- Control and accounting of serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates
- Stock analysis of ABC/XYZ
- Order placement of buyers
- Calculation of normative cost value of orders
- Pricing, price lists
- Sales planning
- Sales accounting of Inventories
- Formation of the diagram of receipt of payments
- Settlement with buyers
- Wholesale
- Commission trade
- Retail
- Connection of a retail store equipment
- Order placement to suppliers
- Purchase planning
- Accounting of arrival of Inventories
- Accounting of non-invoiced deliveries
- Vendor relationship management
- Formation of the payment schedule to suppliers
- Settlement with suppliers
- Data management about structure and structure of a product, a compounding
- Data management about production technologies (route charts)
- The cost accounting on production (RAUZ)
- Calculation of normative cost value
- Calculation of actual cost
- Fixed asset accounting, depreciation calculation
- Management of fixed asset maintenances (CMM, EAM)
- Accounting of services of production character
- Production volume scheduling
- Material requirement planning
- Shop production planning (by turns)
- Scheduling of production at the level of workshop
- Raw materials supplied by the customer processing
- Accounting of overalls and special equipment
- Accounting of activity of auxiliary productions
- Uchetproizvodstvenny orders
- The paid agreement 1C:ITS is issued
- Delivery and installation of the delivery of ITS to a workplace of the user is monthly performed
- Consultation on methodical questions of work with the program of 1C is performed
- Individual or group training to work with an information system of ITS is made
- Consultation on technical issues of work with software products of 1C is performed
Rospromstroy LLC is the multi-profile enterprise consisting of three metalwork plants and several firms specializing in construction of buildings and constructions, repair, reconstruction and warming of roofs and facades, sale of the finished goods made by the plants and providing supply of raw materials and needs of production and sale. Characteristics of the project: Name: Automation of operational accounting. Project duration: 15 months The used configurations: non-standard configuration of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 program. Automation premises:
- Separate information structure of the enterprise;
- A large number of manual transactions and duplication of information in the different systems;
- High influence of a human factor on a final result;
- Lack of the operational analysis of managerial indicators.
Automation purpose:
- Transfer of operational accounting from a unique configuration on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 program taking into account the existing nuances and practices.
- Creation of a common information space for further implementation of accounting and budgeting;
- Receiving an operational marginal profit on direct costs.
At implementation the following subsystems were automated:
- Accounting
- Tax accounting
- Cash management
- Budgeting
- Product data management – structure of a product
- Order management of buyers
- Order management in production
- Purchase management
- Inventory management
- Production management
- Products cost accounting
- Sales management
- Sales planning
- Purchase planning
The achieved results:
- Operational commercial, inventory and production accounting is completely transferred to software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" taking into account all individual requirements of the Customer;
- The marginal profit of direct costs is discharged;
Project Description: Works were performed on classical project technology in 2 Stages: 1. Development of methodology of accounting and technical specifications on completion of a system. 2. System implementation of operational accounting. Development of methodology and technical specifications was performed during the period from February, 2012 to June, 2012 by analysts of PromInfoConsult company and a project team of Rospromstroy LLC. The period of start of a system occurred from June, 2012 to March, 2013. At this stage the following works were carried out:
- Completion according to terms of reference
- User training
- Test operation
- Trial operation
In April, 2013 the project was put into commercial operation.