Customers: Diagnostic clinical center No. 1 (DKTs) of the Moscow Department of Healthcare Moscow; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: LanKey Product: Projects of the IP telephonyProject date: 2015/02
The LanKey system integrator implemented the project on reconstruction and creation of the IP telephony in Diagnostic clinical center No. 1 of the Moscow Department of Healthcare.
In 2014 GBUZ DKTs № 1 DZM had a need for upgrade of a telephone network. For the choice of the contractor competition on work on installation of internal communication on the basis of mini-automatic telephone exchange was announced. Based on competitive selection of requests, the LanKey system integrator became the winner. Having studied requirements of the public contract and technical specifications, engineers of LanKey started execution of works. Within contract requirements the LanKey executed delivery and installation of telephone exchange of Ericsson LG and its components. For ensuring connection of automatic telephone exchange the structured cabling system in workplaces of employees is mounted. In total within the project more than 130 IP phones, including system phones of the secretariat of medical institution were set and configured. The new segment of automatic telephone exchange was programmed and integrated with the available telephone network in three body of the diagnostic center.
All goal regulated by the public contract were achieved of completion of works. Installation works are performed fully and with observance of standards and security requirements. The IP PBX has the increased capacity (up to 60 external lines and up to 400 internal), is compatible to any analog devices and has function of flexible distribution of calls that is especially important for the organization of high-quality acceptance of patients of DKTs No. 1.