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2015/05/27 15:40:20

The priority directions of development of ICT in state agencies

In the spring of 2015 of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications prepared the draft resolution of the government according to which in state agencies ensuring technology independence and information security when using of ICT was among the priority directions of development of ICT by them, including - due to domestic technologies and the free software. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will control compliance of plans of informatization of state agencies to the approved priority directions.


Priorities of 2015

In May, 2015 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications[1] "About the priority directions of development of information and communication technologies of state bodies" the governments about the priority directions of development of ICT of state agencies published the draft resolution. The number of such directions approved by the document joins ensuring technology independence and information security when using ICT in state agencies, including due to use of domestic ICT and the free software.

Other priority directions include:

  • development of ICT, the state services used when providing and accomplishment of the state functions;
  • increase in process performance of creation and use of ICT in state agencies, including due to phased transition to the centralized model of providing standard IT services and uniform state computing and ICT infrastructure;
  • ensuring compliance of ICT to requirements of openness of state agencies, including as a result of implementation of the concept of open data.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will check compliance of plans of state agencies for informatization priority the directions of development of ICT among which - technology independence

The document developed the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications also makes changes to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 about coordination of actions for use of ICT in activity of state agencies. Replenishment of the list of the purposes of coordination by one more purpose - decrease in technology dependence during creation, development, upgrade and operation of information systems and ICT became one of such changes.

In addition, the draft resolution approves rules of preparation of plans of informatization of state agencies and reports on their accomplishment. In particular, it is supposed that state agencies when planning actions for informatization should provide compliance of these actions specified to the priority directions of development of ICT and submit the plans for assessment in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Providing plans should be performed in electronic form using the state system of the coordination providing formation of a common information space in the field of management of ICT in a public sector. In the explanatory note to the document it is noted that it the procedure of preparation by state agencies of plans of informatization due to its reduction to two stages using the specified system becomes simpler.

State agencies will have to prepare and provide plans of informatization in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications annually (preliminary plans till July 15 of the current year and final plans till December 1 of the current year) and to contain summarized information on the ICT actions planned to implementation at the expense of budgetary funds for the next financial year and planning period.

The draft resolution provides that only those actions for informatization which received positive assessment of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications are subject to financing at the expense of budgetary funds.

Priorities for 2014-2016.

According to the government decree [2] "About the priority directions of development of information and communication technologies of state bodies" of May 24, 2010 N 365 about coordination of actions for use of ICT in activity of state agencies, the priority directions of development of ICT is annually defined by the government commission on use of IT for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity.

In February, 2013 this pravkomissiya defined the following priority directions of development IT in state agencies for 2014-2016:

  • Increase in the quality level of rendering services and their availability on the basis of development and use of IT;
  • Increase in efficiency of expenditure of budgetary funds for creation, development, upgrade and operation of ICT in state bodies;
  • increase in level of openness of state bodies and participation of citizens, society and business in adoption of the state solutions.
