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Developers: Astaire
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/06/01

Смартпринт.рф is product Astaire PC.

On June 1, 2015 announced the Astaire PC start of the Смартпринт.рф IT project. A project objective - due to 100% automation of the order of a mass printed material to provide to consumers the bottom prices in the market.

At the heart of the idea creation of the IT tool – the website – for booking: having the ready model, the order for printing it is possible to issue online in 3 clicks by "mouse".

Screenshot of the page of a resource, 2015

Dmitry Stepanov, the CEO of the Astaire PC, noted: "Collecting of orders for printing of a mass printed material online is represented to us one of the most perspective directions. At all evidence of its pluses to the consumer in the Urals it, in my opinion, so far is developed not fully, and our project should contribute to its active development. Originally orders of "Смартпринт.рф" will be executed on the main resources and the equipment of the Astaire PC in Perm and Yekaterinburg, however further we position Смартпринт.рф as the separate project with geography of work on all Russia".

The IT project is focused, first of all, on intermediaries, advertizing agencies which reside in search of inexpensive and reliable printing houses for printing of orders of their clients, marketing specialists of the companies responsible for production of image printed materials.

According to calculations of the company, printing in Смартпринт.рф will allow to save on printing of mass polygraphy, on average, up to 40%.