Protein of Russia project
Industrial biotechnologies of deep processing of waste of agriculture and renewable vegetable raw materials to which the Protein of Russia project belongs were included into the priority list of the technology directions according to the corresponding subprogrammes of the State program of the Russian Federation "Development of the industry and increase in its competitiveness". The Protein of Russia project is included in the Actions plan on import substitution in the industry of chemical industry of the Russian Federation.
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The project got support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Minpromtorg of Russia, State Duma and Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Technology platform of "Biotekh2030", the Agency of strategic initiatives and the industry unions. The project is developed taking into account basic provisions of the Comprehensive program of development of biotechnologies in the Russian Federation until 2020 and the subprogramme "Industrial biotechnologies" of the State program of the Russian Federation "Development of the industry and increase in its competitiveness". The project also corresponds to the main priorities of the State program of the Russian Federation "Development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020". The Protein of Russia project in Altai Republic is given the status of regional value.
The project is based on the principles of green economy and will give an impulse to development of biotechnologies in Russia for the realization account of potential of passing products - sakharidny syrup and fuel pellet. On the basis of the basic project "Protein of Russia", Biot Tekhnologuii LLC initiates creation of network of small and medium productions in different industries – HSC, chemical, biopharmaceutical, microbiological, food, construction, power. Thanks to multiplicative effect, positive influence from project implementation for economy of Russia will not be limited to creation of productions in the listed industries, but also will give an impetus to development of new spheres of economic activity. The project is created within the concept of "green economy" with emphasis on increase in efficiency of use of resources and minimization of harmful effects on the environment. It is connected with creation of a closed loop of production, use only of natural raw materials and the sparing production technology.
Market of high-protein fodder concentrates
The size of the market of high-protein fodder concentrates in 2014 in Siberian Federal District is estimated by experts at 25-32 thousand tons per year. Target market share PROTEMILA in Altai Republic at the production capacity of the enterprise within 6000 tons per year is in limits of 18.5-19%.
Within a number of projects on import substitution in agriculture of Russia significant increase in a livestock is planned. Breeders are going to reduce within five years dependence of the food market of pork on import from 25-30 to 10–15%, and it means to increase production more than by 1 million tons per year. There are plans for increase in production of fowl — on 410 thousand tons, milk — approximately on 522 thousand tons. There is obvious a need in Russia to increase own hi-tech and highly effective forage production.
The share of forages in cost of production of meat, bird and fish reaches 70%. In turn the share of proteinaceous concentrates in the cost of forages reaches 10-15%. Without highly effective sources of protein of a forage will not provide high performance. The lack of protein of compound feeds will not allow to provide modern standards of cultivation of animals (sagination cycle duration) and to sustain the competition to import products. Today in Russia low effective compound feeds without adding of proteinaceous concentrates, or expensive forages on the basis of import fodder concentrates are used or. The bulk of formula-feed concentrates in Russia at the heart of the have protein of gene-modified (GMO) soy.
The settlement need of the Russian agriculture for proteinaceous concentrates - within 800 thousand tons from which only about 180-190 thousand tons (23%) are actually consumed. Protein sources in sterns most popular for today are made by a soy concentrate, fish meal and fodder grain. More than a half of volume of consumption of fish meal is imported (45 of 80 thousand tons). A soy concentrate - completely imported product (65 thousand tons from which only 25 thousand tons are intended for fodder needs). A considerable part of need for proteinaceous concentrates – 665 thousand tons remains unsatisfied.
In Russia as a result of imbalance of forages on the protein content and amino-acid structure 2-2.5 times more grain in comparison with standards in the developed countries is spent for production of similar volume of livestock products. In addition, the share of fodder grain as a part of compound feeds in Russia averages 68% that is 20% more, than in the countries of Europe. Much lower level of efficiency of productions is result of such situation that in itself is a restraining factor for development of import substitution on food and other connected markets.
Russia is a large importer of the soy meal which is the principal proteinaceous component of forages. At the same time, Russia is the exporter of raw materials which can and should be processed within the country with receiving high-protein components of forages. In particular: the import volume of soy meal in the Russian Federation was in 2013 630 thousand tons for the amount of 403.8 million US dollars, import of ready-made feeds – 450 thousand tons for the amount of 831.2 million US dollars; at the same time the export volume of raw materials which can be processed into the Russian Federation in high-protein concentrates – sunflower cakes and cakes – was in 2013 1.7 million tons for the amount of 460 million US dollars. Thus, considerable volumes of high-valuable raw materials are not processed within the country, and exported abroad that interferes with effective use of raw materials.
Russia – one of leaders in the world in production of sunflower. Sunflower cakes and cakes – waste of processing of sunflower oil – valuable sources of a protein which are used for feeding of farm animals. Presence of large volumes of meal of sunflower – competitive advantage of the Russian economy which is not used today. In the conditions of an intensification of agriculture and need of improving competitiveness of the Russian agricultural enterprises, the greatest value purchases use in fodder diets of such additives which not only improve conversion and reduce the cost of diets, but also are natural and safe for health of animals.
PROTEMIL has important competitive advantage – the product exceeds fish meal and a soy concentrate on caloric content indicators on weight unit for 179% and to the number of fodder units for 141%. Besides, Protemil does not contain anti-nutrients unlike a soy concentrate (inhibitors of trypsin, antigens, oligosaccharides, allergens) and fish meal (an aflatoxin, mercury, a tetradotoksin, a kadaverin, allergens, etc.). Results of scientific experiences prove that PROTEMIL improves conversion of a forage thanks to high comprehensibility of a product (95%) and almost total absence of cellulose. According to data of the research GNU VNITIP of the Russian Agricultural Academy, use PROTEMILA in compound feeds of broilers is not reflected in a physiological status of their internals and a lethal exit of gutted carcasses. In experienced groups of a bird it is mentioned bigger savings in a liver of vitamins in comparison with control: And – for 4.1-12.3%, E – for 31.8-37.0%, B2 - for 0.2-14.1%.
At PROTEMILA there is a considerable export potential. In the world market of compound feeds "Big Four" — the USA, the European Union, China and Brazil dominates. About 70% of the total amount of the market which is 750 million tons per year fall to their share. These countries traditionally set the quality standards of forages, improving technology process of their production. In general the world market of compound feeds steadily grows for 3–4% a year in proportion to two key factors — growth of population of the planet and increase in consumption of livestock products by it.
Besides, by estimates of VNIIZh of the Russian Agricultural Academy and German Institute of food technologies (German Institute of Food Technologies), the product can be used for a power supply of the person, including by production enriched bakery and confectionery, ice cream and also in a functional power supply. Researches on use of a proteinaceous concentrate for production of functional food and to application in the food industry (for production of sauces, confectionery and bakery products) continue together with Scientific Research Institute Pitaniya Russian Academy of Medical Science.