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DialogNauka helped to protect personal data of Bank of Moscow

Customers: BM-Bank Russia

Moscow; Financial services, investments and auditing

Contractors: DialogNauka
Product: Projects of external audit of IT and security (in tch PCI DSS and SUIB)

Project date: 2015/09

June 09, 2015. The DialogNauka company announced rendering services in reduction of information security of Bank of Moscow in compliance to requirements of FZ-152 "About personal data" and to requirements of the Bank of Russia of service station of BR IBBS-1.0.

Bank of Moscow attracted DialogNauka company as the consultant to increase in the information security (IS). Today JSC DialogNauka is one of the leading Russian companies specializing in information security field. Antiviruses of Aidstest, Doctor Web and the auditor of ADinf were the first and most known domestic goods delivered by the company.

Within arrangements specialists of DialogNauka company developed a number of the documents directed to compliance to requirements for providing Information Security of the organization according to the federal law "About Personal Data" and requirements of the standard of the Bank of Russia of service station of BR IBBS-1.0-2010.

And also implemented a number of measures for increase in the cybersecurity level:

  • preliminary survey of information systems of Bank;
  • development and completion of the documents regulating an order of processing and protection of PDN;
  • formation of the list of the personal data processed in Bank;
  • creation of the evident list of personal data information systems of Bank;
  • assessment of separate indicators of security and development of recommendations about improvement of a status of cybersecurity of bank.

"As large banks always have an extensive branch network, it is necessary to provide protection of data assets not only for head office, but also for all structure of bank in general. Thanks to wide experience in work with DialogNauka financial institutions it is capable to solve quickly and qualitatively requirements of bank as in the field of providing necessary solutions on cybersecurity, and in competent consulting support of specialists of bank in information security. We hope that the successful completion of the project left about our company an impression as about the professional, responsible and amicable command capable quickly and to accurately solve the arriving problems", - Anton Svintsitsky, the head of department of consulting of JSC DialogNauka told on project completion.