Customers: Fifth management Contractors: Elias Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. Lease and real estate administrationНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2013/03 - 2014/09
Number of licenses: 20
Due to business development appeared neobkhodimst increases in effective management of assets in the field of the real estate. For this purpose the information system which could provide consolidation of business processes of the company within the single database, structurization of information on different divisions of the company, increase in efficiency and reliability of formation of the management reporting was required.
The carried-out market research of automation systems showed that considerably requirements of Kvinta management LLC company are closed by a software package: "1C: Lease and real estate administration" based on 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management.
Behind acquisition and product introduction "1C: Lease and real estate administration" and 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management Kvinta management company addressed to ELÍAS Development center.
Staff of ELÍAS company demonstrated program capabilities "1C: Lease and real estate administration", performed installation and initial tuning of an information system. Besides, adaptation of a system under specifics of a company performance in such areas as object management of the real estate, contract management and calculations for lease, cash management was executed. Complex training of employees in work with a new system is provided.
As a result of implementation in Kvinta management LLC company the following sections were automated:
- Management accounting
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Business process automation
- Accounting of agreements
- Cash management
- Property management
- Management of the register of a real estate
- Contract management of lease and calculations for lease
- Management of operation of a real estate
- Sales
- Purchases
- Warehouse
As a result of system implementation internal document flow was significantly reduced, interaction between divisions accelerated, the quality of work with clients and efficiency of obtaining reporting data grew.
In total in the company for the end of September, 2014 20 jobs are automated.