Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

1C: Accounting of the construction organization for Kazakhstan

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Accounting
Developers: 1C Rating
Branches: Construction and industry of construction materials
Technology: Accounting systems

The product "1C: Accounting of the construction organization for Kazakhstan" is intended for conducting accounting, tax and operational accounting in the organizations which are performing construction activity and acting as contractors of construction of different levels, investors, customers.

The configuration is developed on the basis of the standard solution "1C: Accounting for Kazakhstan, edition 3.0" with preserving of all functionality of the standard software product.

Industry functionality of the program:

  • accounting of accomplishment of the installation and construction works (ICW) by construction objects and buildings;
  • accounting of execution of SMR executed by own forces or forces of contract organizations;
  • planning and control of limits of investments and charges of the customer;
  • accounting of cash receipt and use of means of target financing by financing sources;
  • formation of planned cost of SMR, resource capability planning;
  • formation of the certificate of the cost of construction works and costs in KS-3 form, the act of acceptance of the performed works on the KS-2, F2-V form;
  • the analysis of payment by the customer of the accepted stages of installation and construction works;
  • accounting of the operations on transfer finished with construction of facilities to investors;
  • accounting of specifics of the movement inventory in the construction organizations, including formation of the magazine of the material consumption in construction (M-29);
  • accounting of overalls, stock and equipment;
  • the cost accounting on accomplishment of construction works by construction objects, including costs on fixed asset depreciation and intangible assets and production costs;
  • accounting of operation of machines and the construction equipment, waybills and automation of the cost accounting on fuel and lubricants;
  • accounting of a worked time and payroll on construction objects:
  • accounting of time worked employees on construction objects, night overtime, idle times, etc. (the sheet of accounting of a worked time);
  • compensation on straight lines and accord price-work dresses;
  • allocation of costs on compensation on construction objects.

The "Accounting of the Construction Organization for Kazakhstan" configuration is not independent, it is necessary to have the set standard configuration "Accounting for Kazakhstan" based on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform for its work.

The software product is protected and contains the code fragments which are not subject to change by the user, has program protection against unauthorized use. At the same time the principle of the maximum openness of the code for a possibility of adaptation of a product under needs of end users is implemented.

The "Accounting of the Construction Organization for Kazakhstan" configuration is developed using functionality of 1C:Subsystems Library 8.