Customers: Joy of open joint creativity (GROWTH, Ltd company) Izhevsk; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Corporate systems Product: DocsVision (EDMS/ECM system)Second product: Docsvision EDMS/ECM and BPM Project date: 2010/06
Number of licenses: 25
- The automation of the general and judicial office-work (entering outgoing, internal documentation), management of contractual documentation (including tripartite agreements), process control of the arbitration court, management of insolvency proceedings, project management, control of performing discipline.
- Number of users: 25
- Solution type: Setup of standard applications of the Docsvision system (Office-work, Process management);
- Creation of business processes: "Management of the entering documentation", "Management of internal and outgoing documentation", "Management of bilateral and tripartite agreements", "Management of legal procedure of the arbitration court", "Management of insolvency proceeding".