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Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Soft-Unity automated accounting in Interpromekspo company

Customers: Interpromekspo

Moscow; Transport

Contractors: Soft-Unity
Product: 1C: Accounting
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2015/06

June 22, 2015. The Soft-Unity company announced automation of accounting in Interpromekspo company.

The company needed the software for accounting work optimization: commands of accounting and tax accounting, processing of primary documents, payroll calculation, drawing up and delivery of tax statements, etc.

Consultants of Soft-Unity proposed the application solution "1C: Accounting. The basic version", completely meeting requirements of the organization. Programs allows to work in it one specialists and is ideal for small and medium-sized companies or individual entrepreneurs.

Configuration "1C: Accounting. The basic version" allows:

  • to automatically prepare the regulated reporting;
  • keep tax accounting in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • keep account of trade operations;
  • calculate the salary, etc.

The coordinator picked up convenient for the Client date and time of installation. In appointed day service engineers of Soft-Unity installed the software product on a workplace of the accountant, customized a system and provided elementary education to the main functionality of the program.

Implementation of program 1C made accounting more transparent, allowed to organize automatic formation of the regulated reporting, having increased, thus, efficiency of accounting, representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.