"The Stavropol edge clinical hospital" signed the agreement of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
Customers: Stavropol edge clinical hospital (GBUZ SK SKKB) Stavropol; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Softline Product: Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Subscription (EAS)Project date: 2015/04 - 2017/09
Number of licenses: 250
On June 24, 2015 the Softline company announced the conclusion of the three-year agreement of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement with the Stavropol edge clinical hospital on delivery of a licensed software for 250 computers[1].
Project Progress
Within the license agreement Enterprise Agreement the medical institution will acquire right to use of a packet of basic software products Microsoft among which Microsoft Windows Pro Upgrade and Microsoft Office Professional Plus. In addition, hospital will obtain a special set of licenses, a possibility of loading of current versions of software products. The agreement underwent anti-corruption testing in Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Stavropol Krai that is confirmed by the corresponding expert opinions.
"The management of IT service of hospital, in our opinion, very competently approached questions of acquisition of software as standardization on the Microsoft platform allows not only to reduce costs for the subsequent training and user support, but also gives the chance to completely control IT expenses, - Konstantin Yakunin, the head of department of work with large corporate clients of Softline company noted. - The cost of licenses counting on one PC remains to a constant during all duration of the agreement, and automatic switch-on in the agreement of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement of the option Software Assurance will allow to be insured from possible price increase in connection with a release of new versions".
"The health care does not stand still: when implementing the program of upgrade the government gave an accurate signal to development of informatization in the industry and we, being leaders in the region, just could not stand aside. The decision to pick up the strategy of complex informatization in organization for 2015 - 2017 providing opportunities for dynamic growth was made, - Alexander Chipiga, the chief of the center of medical information technologies of GBUZ SK SKKB told. - The IT is an instrument of quality improvement and efficiency of medical care. Thanks to the signed agreement we had an opportunity to use most current releases of products of Microsoft. This program of corporate licensing and the individual scheme of annual payments offered by Softline company allowed us to avoid the large one-time financial investments and to reduce total cost of ownership the software. The lack of need became also notable benefit for us to trace the used versions of products that will lead already in the near future to reduction of administrative expenses and unplanned costs, and, eventually, will favorably affect development of IT infrastructure of SKKB in general".