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QlikView 3

Customers: Neighbors


Contractors: A2 Consulting
Product: QlikView

Project date: 2015/05  - 2015/06

QlikView Customer analysis for Neighbours with A2 Consulting.

The retail chain stores Neighbours use the analytical solution on the QlikView platform. Implementation of a system business intelligence from A2konsalting company allows to manage better the range, to hold marketing efforts more effectively, to optimize business processes, in a new way to study behavior of buyers.

We began quick start of the project with the solution on the analysis of checks based on UKM.

"The flexibility and speed of work of QlikView with competently constructed data model allows us to analyze easily data from the top level of all network to the specific check" - the head of marketing department Andrey Yanyuk says.

In addition to the main objectives facing a command of A2 Consulting we could implement special requests of the client during this project and expanded the basic solution with the following analysts:

  • The analysis of the carried-out actions
  • Load analysis on cashiers
  • The analysis of joint purchases (what sets of products are preferred by the buyer)
  • ABC – FMR the analysis (on what groups of goods and how often he makes purchases)

It should be noted that for our company it is not the first project in the field of retail. Such powerful analytical tool as QlikView is effectively used by "GIPPO", ALMI, "OHM", "Buslik" and other networks. Therefore we could provide quick start of the application, having applied debugged methods.

What result brought the project from "A2konsalting":

  • Work with operational and correct data on the analysis of checks, buyers, cards of loyalty
  • An opportunity to analyze sales with detailing to the check
  • Consolidation of operational and archive information
  • An opportunity to carry out the deep marketing analysis
  • Effective development of internal analytics