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In "Beeline Kazakhstan" USSD Clip and End of Call Notification services are implemented

Customers: KAR-Tel (Beeline Kazakhstan)

Contractors: Eastwind

Project date: 2015/06  - 2016/09

2017: USSD Clip и End of Call Notification

Subscribers of the operator of the Republic the Eastwind company developed the solution integrating in itself two different services for the second in scope: USSD Clip and End of Call Notification satisfy customer needs and profitable select the company among competitors.

Need of implementation of additional services the representative of department of development explained Beeline Kazakhstan to specialists with features of the market. So, many calls in the country come from the hidden numbers, and the small amounts of a remaining balance on the account force subscribers to control balance constantly. In the first case: the client cannot call back if necessary, and the operator – loses income. In the second: the built-in service of notifications can make life of the subscriber more comfortable and to help it to stay in touch, and – to open for the operator new opportunities of monetization of services.

Services decided to implement in turn, previously having defined three main goals: increase loyalty of subscribers, increase revenues of the operator and be selected in competitive market at the expense of the unique offer. So, in Beeline Kazakhstan network two services for convenience of clients appeared: USSD Clip and End of Call Notification from Eastwind.

USSD Clip is service which can open number calling after a call. The service has several modifications for subscribers, and, respectively, several models of monetization:

  • permanent subscription;
  • a subscription "For a week";
  • the order of service in the subscriber's initiative – through the USSD request after end of an incoming call from the hidden number;
  • the offer to use service from the operator – in the Sms after end of an incoming call from the hidden number.

End of Call Notification is service which provides to the subscriber information on balance after the tail outgoing call through the notification on cost and parameters of a call. The operator can also monetize service differently:

  • directly, 1 tenge/day;
  • at the expense of a subscription to new rates, services and service packages which can be advertized in notification "tail".

2015: Services of filtering of calls

On July 8, 2015 the Eastwind company announced a victory in the tender for delivery of the Call Filtering system by request of Beeline Kazakhstan operator.

Call Filtering will help the telecom operator of Kazakhstan to offer the subscribers service of "black" and "white" lists of phone numbers. With its help it is possible to cut, both undesirable incoming calls, and outgoing, prohibiting calls on certain numbers.

Under the terms of the tender, Call Filtering service Kazakhstan will give to subscribers "to Beeline" flexible opportunities for work with "black" and "white" lists: operational change of structure of this or that list, creation of groups in lists, transactions with voice calls and the SMS.

When forming requirements of "Beeline Kazakhstan" accented an opportunity to set in the application of the rule of filtering of lists by a broad set of parameters. In particular, the subscriber can block incoming voice calls for any group of numbers, but permit for her Sms and vice versa. At the same time for the SMS filtering and in the text of the message (prohibition of obscene language) is provided.

According to developer company, the solution presented on the tender helps not only to solve effectively the task of filtering of incoming calls set by "Beeline Kazakhstan" but also to act as the full-fledged instrument of restriction of the proceeding and entering access. In this case service will be useful as to individuals (for example, access restriction on children to "adult" numbers), and to corporate users for providing employees with mobile communication.