Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

VTB 24 avtomatizizrovat control of ATMs

Customers: VTB 24

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Multicard
Product: Projects of IT outsourcing

Project date: 2015/01  - 2015/05

On July 27, 2015 the Multikarta company announced implementation in VTB 24 bank of a software package for process automation of management of terminal networks.

Project Results

The implemented system helped to reach qualitatively new level in solving of tasks on control and risk minimization of emergence of errors in process of management of lifecycle of ATMs. Appeared a possibility of optimization of document flow and terms of accomplishment of actions for approval of installation sites of ATMs, their registration in a processing center, the organization of communication channels, setting of ATMs on complex maintenance.

VTB 24, 2014

"Work with a new system will allow Multikarta's partner banks to optimize many processes both in bank, and with the processing company, to reduce costs for non-core business. System implementation of management of terminal network is a part of process of consolidation of processing business in VTB Group based on Multikarta and to development of new services for all clients of the company. The next stage will implement a management system of POS for terminal network" - Kirill Sviridenko, the CEO of Multikarta LLC noted.
"Creation and system implementation allowed bank to move to a new level of process automation of maintenance of lifecycle of ATMs, also to move in a system the database on more than 10 thousand ATMs of bank. Results of implementation of the joint project are allowed to calculate on further expansion of functionality of a system and inclusion in it of new categories of the equipment and processes of bank, such as management of lifecycle from POS terminals and electronic cashiers", – Valery Chulkov, the board member, the director of VTB 24 operations department (public joint stock company) told.