Yantarenergo completed creation of the center of monitoring of objects of a power complex of the region
Customers: Yantarenergo
Contractors: СРСС (Samsung Russia Service Company) Product: Projects of creation of the situational centersProject date: 2015/02 - 2015/05
On July 29, 2015 it became known of the project of creation in JSC Yantarenergo company of situational analytical center on the platform of the professional display equipment Samsung Samsung[1].
Project Results
Command center power supply of JSC Yantarenergo - the integrated hardware and software system performing functions of preparation and decision support, in fact - situational analytical center with the expanded functions caused by industry specifics.
Office "Yantarenergo", 2013
Tasks of the center include information and analytical providing the guide of JSC Yantarenergo to monitoring of functioning of objects of a power complex of the region, forecasting, warning and liquidation of emergency and emergency situations.
Fixed assets of information display in the project are three digital videowalls with a high image quality consisting of professional large-format LFD panels of Samsung with technology of direct LED illumination on the SamsungSmartSignage (SSSP) platform.
Possibilities of the center ensure functioning of all software packages and applied systems of JSC Yantarenergo.
The monitoring system and controls of the motor transport allows to interact with mobile operational and recovery crews, to control in real time their movement, quickly for the solution of emergency situations to make redirection of crews for consolidation of efforts on liquidation of damages to networks.
The end-to-end system of management and monitoring of power grid objects at the heart of which the geographic information system is put allows to obtain quickly data on existence, a status, arrangement on location of objects of power grid infrastructure and about system effectiveness of operation, management and development of networks.
Thanks to "The system of the technology high definition television" there was an opportunity not only to inspect a status of objects or to coordinate production of emergency recovery operations, but also to control indications of devices and to reveal precritical condition of crucial elements of network infrastructure.
In the daily mode video conferences with heads of production divisions from different parts of the region are carried out, it helps to optimize processes of management in the company. The operational meetings with participation of 18 chiefs of regions of the electric networks are weekly held.
For July 29, 2015 the task of integration of security systems and security video surveillance with monitoring systems of the center is carried out that will allow to create a single end-to-end system with functions of control, management and archiving of events.