Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Basmanov Nikolay Alekseyevich
Basmanov Nikolay Alekseyevich


Nikolay was born on November 8, 1950 in the village of Chumaneevo of Sovetsky district of the Kirov region.

In 1972 graduated from the Sverdlovsk legal institute.

From 1975 to 1976 served in AF of the USSR.

In 1972 worked as the senior investigator of prosecutor's office of the city of Pechora.

In 1976 it is appointed the senior investigator of prosecutor's office of the Komi ASSR.

In 1979 worked as the prosecutor of KL-400 organization.

In 1986 worked as the prosecutor of the Pechora district.

In 1989 it is appointed to the position of the head of department on supervision of legality of court orders on criminal cases of prosecutor's office of the Komi Republic.

Since 1995 worked as the deputy prosecutor of the Komi Republic.

In 1997 became the first deputy prosecutor of the Komi Republic.

Since 2007 it is appointed the head of investigation department of Investigative Committee at prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation of the Komi Republic.

In 2011 it is appointed the head of Investigation department of Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Komi Republic.

For August 3, 2015 Nikolay Alekseyevich Basmanov works as the head of investigation department of Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Komi Republic.