Customers: Azov Energy industry Azov; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Gendalf Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2010/05 - 2010/09
The Azov-Tek LLC company is only in the south the producer of light-alloy rims. The company constantly strengthens presence of the brand in the large cities of the country. The enterprise releases aluminum disks for cars, began the activity rather recently – about four years ago. 150 people work at the enterprise and the latest technologies are used. Annually the enterprise turns out products on 400 million rubles these volumes are comparable with production volumes of a number of large industrial enterprises of the city. With increase in production of the company the automated system allowing to automate not only accounting, but also production began to be required.
When choosing the software product company management selected the product having to the following requirements:
- implementation time;
- presence of specialists in the region on service of the software product;
- cost of the main delivery and licenses;
- possibility of data transfer from earlier used software.
To all these requirements the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product had.
During implementation the following works were performed:
- Acquisition of a set for the client
- Installation of a product at the client
- Studying of a product by the client
- Consultations of the client on the questions arising during studying of a product
- Precontractual works (negotiations, express inspection, commercial offer)
- Primary works on the contract (agreement of intent, Development of the Project charter, Agreement signature)
- Inspection and drawing up terms of reference
- Consulting services
- Elementary education of users and project team of the customer
- Coding
- Input of initial data, data transfer from the replaced systems
- User training
- Input in trial operation
- Operational testing
- Transfer to commercial operation
The automated departments:
- Accounting;
- Economical department;
- Department of work with personnel;
- Sales offices and purchases;
- Production site;
- Department of warehousing and storage of material values.
Tasks which were automated using software "by 1C: Management production predpriyatiyay 8":
- Accounting;
- Tax accounting;
- Payroll;
- personnel management;
- product data management structure of a product and production technology;
- purchase management;
- production management;
- purchase planning;
- management of a warehouse.
According to the management, the Azov Energy industry company with implementation of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" moved to absolutely new level in accounting, the analysis of the acquired information and planning, both production, and financial resources.
But in the next plans there are tasks of automation of production planning and budgeting.
At present the works are completed, but consultations on the questions arising during operation of the software product continue.