Customers: Sanofi Russia (Sanofi) Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare Contractors: ICL Services Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2015/07 - 2018/06
On September 2, 2015 the ICL Services company announced signing of the 3-year contract with Sanofi company Russia on rendering services Desk Service, "User support on places", "Management of IT infrastructure".
Project Tasks
At the beginning of June, 2015 the Sanofi selected ICL Services the winner of the tender. The technical solution proposed by the company met the requirements of the customer, most conveniently. The contractor had an opportunity to sign the long-term contract.
"Sanofi Russia", 2014
"Our company takes a number of non-core functions of Sanofi on outsourcing that minimizes participation of staff of corporation in the questions connected with problem solving of end users and will allow them to concentrate resources on the solution of tasks, profile for business to the maximum", – Ruslan Vagizov, the chief executive of ICL Services noted.
Project Progress
For September 2, 2015 transfer of service from the previous service provider to ICL Services is complete and now the company starts rendering services of outsourcing in full, according to the approved quality level of provision of services (SLA). During a stage of transfer the plan for improvement and optimization of IT infrastructure of the company is prepared that will allow Sanofi to cut down expenses on IT infrastructure in the future.
In duties of the contractor - rendering services Desk Service, remote control IT infrastructure and telephony, support to users on places, management of a warehouse.
"The main task for ours "Desk service of agents" - it is not simple to receive a call and to quickly fix technical issues, and to leave a good impression about the work and confidence of the client in the attentive relation to it "on that side of the handset", - Ruslan Vagizov said.