Elias automated processes on lease and real estate administration in Ufimskiye zori LLC company
Customers: Ufa dawns Contractors: 1C Joint Stock Company, Elias Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. Lease and real estate administrationНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2015/03 - 2015/08
Number of licenses: 10
September 24, 2015. The Elias company reported[1] about process automation on lease and real estate administration in Ufimskiye zori LLC company based on the program "1C: Lease and real estate administration".
Goals and Objectives
For the purpose of increase in efficiency in the company the information system constructed based on a product "by 1C is implemented: Lease and real estate administration". The program allowed to connect information flows of different divisions of the company in uniform space.
Project Progress
Implementation was carried out jointly with specialists Elias and was successfully complete. The implemented system allows to automate accounting and management in such areas as maintaining the register of a real estate, operation of a real estate, execution of contractual relations with tenants, conducting calculations for the rent. In particular, a system solves the following problems:
- Data storage about objects of lease with any sets of characteristics;
- History and management of rates of lease and rates on additional services;
- Printing of floor-by-floor plans with highlighting of the handed-over objects, fast loading of plans of objects using the scanner;
- Control of statuses of objects of lease (it is free, it is rented, it is reserved, on repair, etc.).
- The graphic report on employment of the areas with color selection of premises depending on their status (it is free, it is rented, etc.) and information on tenants;
- Accounting of primary documents according to lease agreements (Signing of the contract, the supplementary agreement, agreement cancelation, the delivery-acceptance certificate of the premises in lease and the act of acceptance return of a rented room);
- Use of the MS Word templates configured by the user for printing of primary documents (lease agreements and so forth);
- A possibility of repeated change of rental rates on an object within one agreement, a possibility of repeated participation of one leased area in one lease agreement (lease "with breaks");
- A possibility of use of special currency rate (a fixed rate, Central Bank rate plus the set percent, a currency corridor);
- An opportunity to hand over one object of lease at the same time to several tenants;
- An opportunity to separate the rent into permanent and variable parts;
- Group termination and prolongation of lease agreements, with a possibility of the choice of group or any list of tenants;
- A possibility of formation of the documents Delivery-acceptance Certificate of the Premises in lease and the Act of acceptance return of a rented room;
- Possibility of a binding of objects of lease to price categories, registration and storages of story of service prices of lease with a binding to price categories;
- Calculation of the rent with any task of the period, terms, rates and methods of charge;
- Calculation of lease for the incomplete period;
- Calculation of payment for the rated services taking into account meter readings; possibility of the indication of a share of meter readings for the specific tenant;
- Calculation of the amount of a penalty fee for different algorithms;
- Accounting of payments (including advance payments) from tenants by lease agreements, the periods of payment, accounts, services and objects of lease (the sign of detailing on the periods, accounts, services and objects is specified in the agreement);
- Package formation and printing of documents on lease with a possibility of the choice of group or any list of tenants;
- The report on settlement with tenants with interpretation according to documents, the periods, services and objects of lease;
- Accounting of mortgage (deposit) payments, including calculation of pledge for different algorithms;
- The report on efficiency of use of the areas with calculation of coefficient of useful use and the amount of the financial losses connected with idle time of objects;
- Plan-fact income-expenditure analysis on lease, with a possibility of detailing on the periods;
- Registration and control of requests for service of premises;
- Work planning on repair and service of a real estate;
- The cost accounting on operation of a real estate with analytics according to cost items and costs;
- Accounting of services from external suppliers in maintenance accomplishment;
- Storage of the list of materials and technical transactions for standard works on maintenance;
- Maintaining history of repairs and service;
- Plan-fact analysis of works and operating costs.