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2015/11/09 14:30:08

Oleg Zamoshchin: Business volume AMTEL-SERVICE in 2015 will increase by 5 times

The head of the Service center of AMTEL-SERVICE company Oleg Zamoshchin told about trends in the market of IT outsourcing and the changed requirements from customers in an interview of TAdviser.

TAdviser: How do you estimate dynamics of the Russian market of IT outsourcing? How does the economic crisis affect moods and requests of customers?

Oleg Zamoshchin: Every year the Russian market of IT outsourcing becomes more mature. It is not only about representatives of the service IT industry, but also about customers. If 10 years ago outsourcing for many companies was something unclear and even risky, then today the number of sceptics was reduced many times. So, many state and large commercial organizations successfully use services of IT support of third parties or plan the strategy of a sorsing in the next years. Therefore, despite the crisis phenomena in economy, the market of services of IT outsourcing in 2015, by our estimates, continues to grow, though reserved rates – no more than 10% in ruble expression. Demand and trust to cloud solutions grows.

Oleg Zamoshchin considers that the professional outsourcer offers services of higher level, than it is possible to implement in customer company

From support of IT systems as from function, the market will not be able to refuse completely under no circumstances, however crisis gives a reason to the owner of IT infrastructure attentively to estimate and review the cost of data of services. As a rule, complete or partial transition to IT outsourcing model, change of set and parameters of services, change of external contractors or transition from a multisorsing to one or limited number of contractors becomes result of optimization. The current 2015 is not an exception: we observe prolongations of service contracts in a corporate and public sector, growth of interest and transition to complete IT outsourcing of the small companies, transfer of support of infrastructure of the per customer branch network.

TAdviser: So the main driving force of the market of IT outsourcing is economy?

Oleg Zamoshchin: IT outsourcing, certainly, helps to save resources. An opportunity to reduce costs for IT services still is the main argument for benefit of outsourcing for most the companies, especially for representatives of SMB. The professional outsourcer offers services, often higher level today, than it can be implemented in customer company, at the same time at lower price. It manages to be performed due to ensuring high utilization of IT personnel and automation of process of rendering services.

TAdviser: Tell in more detail about optimization methods of cost of services?

Oleg Zamoshchin: Actually, reduction in cost of services for us not an ultimate goal, but result of achievement of the head purposes of the Service center: high-quality ensuring the rendered services and optimization of internal labor costs. If to speak briefly, we conduct continuous work on two directions: we provide a complex of actions for decrease in number of failures of IT at customers and we optimize production processes. The complex of preventive measures includes statutory preproject technology audit of the IT systems accepted on support, elimination of "bottlenecks" based on audit, regular scheduled maintenance, online monitoring of operability of systems. On average, such approach allows us to lower labor costs on ensuring execution of projects - by 1.5 times and to maintain the average level of observance of SLA not lower than 98%.

In fact, the customer, working with us under the service contract, whether it be support of some difficult and critical subsystems or complex IT support of office of the small company, pays for that "everything worked", but not for the number of recovery work and repairs. Therefore, we not less customer are interested in that failures, breakdowns and complaints it was less. Result – the cost of services is optimized without prejudice to quality, the number of failures is reduced – the customer is quiet and happy.

TAdviser: What services are offered by AMTEL-SERVICE whether the solution portfolio for the last year changed?

Oleg Zamoshchin: Crisis is not only a recession period, but also time of opportunities. In 2015 the volume of business and staff of specialists AMTEL-SERVICE considerably grew - by the end of the year we plan fivefold growth. For 12 years AMTEL-SERVICE specialized in services of creation of IT infrastructure, and gradually increased examination in the field of service maintenance and ensuring IT security.

In 2015 services of IT outsourcing and support became a key vector of development of the company and the main direction of business. Also we increased and we continue to increase competences in the field of information security, the engineering systems, complete solutions on import substitution.

This year in AMTEL-SERVICE there was a department of IT consulting implementing all range of services on business process automation of customers of the different industries: audit and preproject consulting, implementation and customization of solutions to requirements of the customer, support of business applications. In separate practice the direction of business process automation of production security is selected. Preference is given to solutions on platforms of the Russian developers, for example, by 1C.

TAdviser: At the expense of what it was succeeded to provide such rapid growth?

Oleg Zamoshchin: For ensuring intensive growth the strategy of attraction to the state of pilot, harmonious teams of engineers and project managers was selected. In parallel there were investments into solutions of automation of the internal processes and tools used in implementation of service projects. Today in a portfolio of the company, mainly geographically distributed projects, in process of further growth we are going to work also actively with medium business, especially regarding service projects.

TAdviser: What services are offered by the Service center "AMTEL-SERVICE"?

Oleg Zamoshchin: Based on the Service center "AMTEL-SERVICE" services of technology IT audit, all range of services – from development of strategy of a sorsing before IT support of the "turnkey" companies or separate IT systems, including servers, networks and telephony, the mail systems, printing infrastructure are implemented. The most part of projects has geographically distributed character.

TAdviser: What territories cover outsourcing projects AMTEL-SERVICE?

Oleg Zamoshchin: We work across all territory of Russia and in the CIS countries. There are several projects with a covering in all 85 regions of Russia, an example of such project is support of the communication system of Emercom of Russia. Also there are projects implemented in several federal districts, for example, support of a network and server framework of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, complex IT support of a branch network of MetLife insurance company.

TAdviser: What resources does AMTEL-SERVICE implement geographically distributed projects?

Oleg Zamoshchin: Implementation of any project, both federal, and local is performed within the 3-level support. 1ya the line – uniform Service Desk which round the clock accepts and registers requests of customers and also provides primary consultations. 2ya the line closes works on remote solving of tasks (to 90%) and to elimination of problems on places (10%). Accomplishment of problems of on-site in regions is performed by forces of service partners. Under each regional object we accredit several contract organizations capable to perform works in strict accordance with the SLA parameters in advance: reaction terms, arrival terms on an object and completion dates of the request. Quality control of work of regional partners is exercised in uniform Service Desk "AMTEL-SERVICE". And, at last, 3ya the support line includes expanded consultations and attraction to execution of works of specialists of vendors or the highly specialized companies. In our practice – up to 40% of problems it is solved on 1 m level, up to 55% - on the second, and about 5% - on 3 m level.

The debugged management system for the distributed projects and the reliable, checked for years, partner network completely close all works on places and do not require own staffing in regions.

TAdviser: Whether requirements to contractors, SLA change?

Oleg Zamoshchin: Most of customers AMTEL-SERVICE address with already created requirements to the level of service on each object or the platform, the stage pre-sale was considerably reduced, decision-making happens many times quicker, than a few years ago. Respectively, more simply and more productively there is the current customer interaction of the service project and the reporting. Began to appear projects with rather tough SLA parameters more and more – the minimum guaranteed terms of accomplishment of requests, the round-the-clock support. The big customer, despite crisis, is ready to overpay for the speed and quality, review of contracts towards "reduction in cost" due to failure from raised (and sometimes and overestimated) we do not observe requirements to the level of service. Also in recent years we see a trend of transfer of service of IT infrastructure of branch networks to "some hands", at the same time the SLA parameters can differ for different platforms. The number of such contracts grows in our arsenal.

TAdviser: Whether you support a trend on import substitution?

Oleg Zamoshchin: Import substitution as one of the main trends, finds the reflection in the current projects AMTEL-SERVICE - we recommend to customers the checked and reliable alternatives according to hardware-software solutions and business process automation. These are free software products with the open code and also solutions of the Russian developers and companies from the countries which do not support the sanction (Asia, Israel, BRICS countries, etc.).

Also we implement the consulting projects on development of strategy of import substitution including inspection of IT systems, identification of the directions of substitution, ranging and the choice of technologies, scheduling and staging of transition, calculation of the budget and a payback period of the project. The key moments, since a design stage, are the information security, the continuity of work of IT systems upon transition and painless migration, further maintenance and development of systems.

TAdviser: What your plans for the forthcoming financial year?

Oleg Zamoshchin: In plans AMTEL-SERVICE is maintenance of the planned growth rates of business, occupation of the leading positions in the Russian market of IT outsourcing, building of a service portfolio and solutions in the field of IT, security and the engineering systems.

We do big rates on development of the direction of industrial security. Already today we conduct negotiations with the largest production holdings of the country on implementation of complete solutions or separate blocks, including video surveillance systems and access control, automation of control of the PCS parameters, business process automation of production security, automation of medical examinations at the enterprises. We will be able to propose some solutions "as service", providing to the customer for a subscription fee ready result.

Plans of the Service center "AMTEL-SERVICE", they are tasks, - ensuring the guaranteed level of services, optimization of internal processes and building of the staff of specialists for the quickest start of a flow of new projects.