Bragman has candidate's degrees, the master of arts and the master of physical sciences of Columbia University and the bachelor of physical sciences of Harvard College.
Bragman started the career in the research center of Thomas Watson of IBM company.
Bragman works more than 30 years in the technology sphere. He held executive positions in such international companies as Symantec and IBM.
Worked as the director of technologies later in the startup of SkywriterRX, Inc. which is engaged in machine learning where for fall of 2015 continues to fulfill duties of the board member and consultant.
On October 5, 2015 company Netapp, Inc. announced Mark Bragman's appointment to a position of the director of technologies. Mark Bragman directs development and implementation of product strategy of the company and development of the innovations necessary for support of strategy of Data Fabric in which the Netapp company sees the future of data management. Bergman's tasks include search of the most perspective opportunities in the field of technologies and assessment of the corresponding risks and also the help in formation and maintenance of culture of innovations in an engineering link of Netapp.
"Mark will work with Group of advanced technologies of Netapp. Together they will study perspectives of the new and arising trends and to look for methods of their most effective use for the benefit of the company — Joel Raich, the executive vice president of Product Operations noted. — Its enormous experience in the most different areas of a technology thought will play an invaluable role in removal of Netapp on higher positions in the field of the innovation leadership. We do not doubt that Mark will help to provide the maximum commercial effectiveness of the offer of Netapp for our customers and partners — both today, and in the future".
"For me a great honor to work in NetApp, especially today when customers promptly transform the IT environments — Bragman told. — The staff of Netapp, its products and intellectual property allows to satisfy constantly changing requests of customers. All this played a big role in my decision on transition to this company".
Mark Bragman continues to be engaged in the solution of a question of insufficient representation of women in the field of computer and engineering sciences. At all the previous positions he steadily acted as the executive sponsor and the attracted participant of programs of the Woman in the technology sphere (Women in Technology). Since 2009 he works as the director of Institute of Anita Borg for women and to technologies. Bragman is also included into Boards of Directors of Bay Area Science and Innovation Consortium, ShoreTel, Inc. and SkywriterRX, Inc. It is a member of Consulting committee on sea researches, the American physical society and Institute of electrical and electronic engineers and electronics.