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2015/10/20 17:04:36

Interview with the leading systems analyst of management of IT of Russian Copper Company Igor Isakov

The first stage of system implementation of DIRECTUM in "Russian Copper Company (RCC)" started in 2013. In two years in uniform information ECM- the space is united three enterprises of group, and in 2015 is going to connect one more subsidiary company. An ECM system on the basis of the analysis of offers of vendors was selected. On a final stage two systems – were compared Documentum (EMC) and DIRECTUM. They were estimated on functionality, convenience of operation and cost of ownership. As a result a choice was made for benefit of the DIRECTUM ECM system. About tasks, solvable EDMS, perspectives and the first results of introduction of electronic document management told Igor Isakov, the leading systems analyst of management of IT of Russian Copper Company.

Image:RusMedComp-Igor Isakov+2.jpg

Igor Isakov: "Interest of company management and divisions of RMK has a positive impact on the project course"."

TAdviser: It is interesting that the idea of implementation of electronic document management arose in Management of budgeting. What problems were required to be solved due to implementation of EDMS?

I. I.: A pacing factor which pushed us to system implementation of electronic document management it is the increasing flow of daily documents. RMK actively develops, and the business processes at that time existing could not satisfy requirement of the growing business completely any more.

We carried out the deep analysis of our processes, revealed problems which employees daily faced during the work with documents. As a result main objectives of implementation of EDMS were formulated:

  • creation of the uniform corporate standard of document flow;
  • accurate distribution of functional duties between divisions;
  • increase in process performance of work and control of performing discipline;
  • creation of archive of documents of former years.

TAdviser: Tell about features of the company. How the project what difficulties faced during implementation is implemented if like those arose?

I. I.: The implementation project started in 2011. The DIRECTUM company acted as the contractor directly. At the first stage two pilot enterprises of Group were selected: Russian Copper Company Ltd (parent organization) and Mikheevsky GOK Ltd. Were so developed the standard solution for the enterprises of Group and the solution on interaction with management company.

For the period of the project the working group into which heads of structural divisions from Russian Copper Company entered and specialists of DIRECTUM was created. That users adapted to work in an electronic document management system easier, the automated business processes were put into operation gradually. As a result the electronic document management system and interaction managements of DIRECTUM was completely put into commercial operation at the beginning of 2013.

At the second stage it was required to connect JSC Tominsky Mining and Processing Works and Karabashmed Ltd to a common information space. I will note that at this stage specialists of vendor were not attracted any more. Replication of a system was performed entirely by forces of IT services RMK. Today in JSC Tominsky GOK started commercial operation, and in Karabashmed Ltd – trial operation. Interest of company management and divisions of RMK has a positive impact on the project course.

TAdviser: Could you provide statistics on the number of the employees working today in EDMS, to tasks and tasks on the volume of documents?

I. I.: Today in the DIRECTUM system 720 employees of the enterprises of Group in total work. For 2 years the volume of document flow was about 34,000 documents, more than 30,500 tasks of standard routes are started.


TAdviser: Russian Copper Company has solid staff. How their training in work in a system was built?

I. I.: High-quality training of employees in work in a system – is unconditional, important criterion of successful implementation. We considered different options of training of employees: and individual, and in a format of seminars, and using the application solution DIRECTUM Ascension. We stopped on traditional forms of education: in the form of seminars for the bulk of employees and in the form of individual training for the top management and key experts. Besides, IT specialists of RMK develop detailed instructions to each standard route and perform remote support, and if necessary leave on the enterprise.

TAdviser: In what direction development of EDMS is planned?

I. I.: We continue replication of DIRECTUM on all enterprises of Group. Let's consistently increase also the number of the automated business processes. Today from already automated business processes process "Approval of contractual documents" by means of service of interaction DIRECTUM (DIRECTUM Intersystem Cooperation Services, DICS) is end-to-end. In plans there is a task of increase in number of end-to-end processes between the enterprises of Group.

Also it would be desirable to note a contribution of own developers who during implementation and replication, implemented and develop absolutely new non-standard functionality of a system. It and absolutely unique process of approval of business trips where the smallest steps from a business trip initsirovaniye before delivery of the expense report are automated. It and process of approval of requests for the translation of the text very interesting on filling and extremely demanded in connection with a large number of foreign partners of the company. In a test stage there are new personnel processes of acceptance and dismissal of employees.

Well and besides, from business customers new interesting challenges for which solution need for integration of the DIRECTUM system and other software products, for example Microsoft SharePoint appears arrive.