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Баннер в шапке 2

British Petroleum LLP (ICL)

Customers: British Petroleum (BP)


Contractors: ICL Services
Product: Projects of IT outsourcing

Project date: 2014/03  - 2015/09

BP (British Petroleum) is the British oil and gas company, the second in value publicly bargaining oil and gas company in the world. One of the leading world oil and gas extraction companies, for many years successfully works at the Russian market.

The customer needed the help in coordination of the accompanying services, user support in the Russian and English languages with faultless service quality and effective use of resources.

Products and technologies

  • MS Exchange integrated with the Active Directory - MS Exchange Server integrated with the Active Directory
  • GoToAssist.1 - GoToAssist v11.3

The provided services

  • Service desk
  • Outsourcing of IT personnel
  • Ensuring operability of IT infrastructure

Project Objective
Service of IT of infrastructure of BP company, coordination of the accompanying services and also the solution of the current problems became a main goal of the project.

The implemented solution
1. Service desk:

  • The first support line – registration of requests from users, their monitoring and maintenance in a recording system.

2. Onsayt support:

  • Accomplishment of scheduled works on ensuring operability of server and customer premise equipment on the customer's object;
  • Solution of the current tasks of maintenance of computer systems and IT infrastructure;
  • Vendor interaction of the accompanying IT services (support of contracts, coordination of supplies of equipment and services);
  • The organization and accomplishment of project works for reorganization of IT of infrastructure (during the moving, work on the customer's pereobustroystvuofis, etc.).

3. Consultation of the customer concerning implementation of different information technologies and means of ensuring of information security.


  1. Within the ICL Services project more than 300-400 addresses a month are regularly processed.
  2. Specialists of a command have thorough knowledge in the field of IT that allowed to transfer the solution of an essential part of the routine engineering tasks connected with elimination of standard problems to the first support line.
  3. It in turn helped the customer to unload specialists of engineering commands of the second support line and to focus their attention on the solution of more difficult tasks.