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Selecta Biosciences




+ Selecta Biosciences

Selecta Biosciences, Inc. — the biopharmaceutical company which is at a clinical stage engaged in development of a new class of the medicines using immunomodulatory nanomedicines for providing target antigen - specific immune reactions for the purpose of prevention and treatment of diseases. Own SVP™ platform (Synthetic Vaccine Particle) of Selekta company creates a new paradigm of development of vaccines, offering absolutely new options of therapeutic and preventive application and ensuring a possibility of increase in efficiency and safety.

Immunomodulatory particles of Selekta company (SVP™) can induce antigen - specific immune tolerance, and can be used for creation of products in which there is a high need of patients for different therapeutic areas. Selecta Biosciences, Inc. concentrated on three key applications of own technology: inhibition of immunogenicity of biotherapeutic means, treatment of allergies and autoimmune diseases. The immunogenicity has negative effect on a profile of security and efficiency of many biological products and, as we know, already led to curtailment of clinical development of a number of promising products. The SVP™ technology of Selekta company is the mechanism which will allow to realize the complete potential of biotechnology products.

Applying the patented solutions and cooperating with the leading pharmaceutical companies and the research organizations, Selekta creates the line of the candidate medicines capable to satisfy the need for products for treatment of serious and chronic diseases.