1C-IzhTC was optimized by process of updating of the ERP system of the EVRAZ Metal Inpro metaltrader
Customers: EVRAZ Metal Inpro Moscow; Metallurgical industry Contractors: 1C Joint Stock Company, 1C-IzhTC Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Second product: Projects of IT outsourcing Project date: 2015/11 - 2019/01
Number of licenses: 1800
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ERP system updating process optimization
On February 28, 2019 the 1C-IzhTC company reported that it optimizes process of updating of the ERP system of the metaltrader of Russia "EVRAZ Metal Inpro" Existence of own solutions on updating automation and also the guaranteed term of accomplishment of updates helped to make a choice for benefit of cooperation with the Izhevsk company.
In the work the company uses "1C: ERP 2.2 + BIT Finance". The product constantly is improved on all blocks of accounting and is actively used by users. Important feature of support of the solution is need for fast preparation of releases of updates.
To unload own IT department the company made the decision to delegate ERP system updating. The main criteria for the choice of the contractor became:
- Presence of specialists and experience with solutions of the Enterprise level.
- Acceptable cost of support.
- Understanding of requirements of business for blocks of accounting.
- Existence of own solutions on updating automation and also the guaranteed term of accomplishment of updates helped to make a choice for benefit of cooperation about 1C-IzhTC.
Process of preparation of release was reduced several times, and automatic testing from 1C-IzhTC allows to reveal errors at the earliest stage. All specialists with which we had to communicate are competent and penetrate into heart of the matter. Pereverzev Dmitry, chief specialist of department of development of the IC JSC EVRAZ Metal Inpro
2016: Input in commercial operation of an enterprise management system
October 23, 2015. The metaltrading company "Evraz Metal Inpro" which is a part of the Evraz group reported[1] about the input preparing since November 15, 2015 in commercial operation of the enterprise management system unrolled on "1C: ERP 2.0"[2]. It is about automation of 47 branches in the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan which service about 10 thousand clients a month, selling them 2 million tons of metal a year. Management systems for sales, production, marketing, programs of motivation of employees, were implemented by supply, finance and treasury, a warehouse, credit and contractual deliveries, accounting. On number of the jobs (1.8 thousand) created within the project in 1C company call the project the largest implementation of "1C:ERP" today.
The declaration of project completion was heard within the Moscow business forum "1C:ERP" which was opened by the director of 1C Boris Nuraliyev, 2015
The director of information technology of network metal trade "Evraz metal of an inprom" Denis Popov tells that on the eve of a project startup in February, 2013 the company management selected between two platforms. In addition to 1C SAP was also considered. The task force from representatives of service IT and business divisions was created. The price became a decisive factor when choosing. At that time the 1C ERP 2.0 system existed only in the beta therefore the Evraz Metal of an Inprom project for this product in fact became pilot.
Implementation reasons
Describing premises of the project, Popov tells that at the beginning of the 2010th years its structure purchased several third-party assets because of what the general IT landscape of the company began to look a little strange.
"A part of the enterprises worked at self-written software, a part on outdated versions of products of 1C and only one at the modern solution of 1C" — he says. In development could not scale the existing systems in the company as the solutions which got from last owners did not consider the requirement of new owners. "Taking into account that Evraz was already public company with actions at the exchange, it was necessary to prepare quickly the general reporting under all group. And data were available only in 25 days after the reporting period — Popov notes. — There was a lot of handwork because data from the different systems were consolidated, so error probability was high".
The diagram of implementation of "1C:ERP" on Evraz, 2015
Project Objectives
Among main objectives of the project Popov, certainly, calls creation of a single system of enterprise management and also reduction of an interval of preparation of the reporting to 10 days, performance improvement, accomplishment of strict business requirements in a part the continuity of processes (regulations of idle time and loss data recovery), reduction of time of transactions at customer interaction.
Deployment details
According to Popov, the main part of works was performed by own specialists of the Evraz group of Evraztekhnika company, however on places it was necessary to attract to development of functionality also subcontractors (the franchisee of 1C). From the customer 43 persons were engaged in a system design, from subcontractors — about 2.5 tens. The project solution included the document over 850 pages. The first productive operation of a ready system began on April 1, 2014 at the Evraz Siberia Metal enterprise. On May 1, 2014 Evraz Urals metal" joined it ". Start date of deployment "1C ERP" at the cumulative enterprise "Evraz Metal Inpro" is considered on October 1, 2014. At the moment trial operation comes to the end.
Cooperation perspectives
According to Denis Popov, in a project deliverable specialists of his company sent about 50 offers on completions of the platform most of which part was already entered to 1C. Expects improvement of mechanisms of reflection of transactions in procedural accounting, a possibility of conducting production accounting in two units of measurements from further upgrade of the product "Evraz Metal Inpro" and also development of functionality regarding safe custody and settlement.
Project terms: November, 2015 is September, 2016 Number of licenses: 1800