Customers: Abrau-Durso Contractors: Axelot Product: 1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse ManagementProject date: 2014/02 - 2014/10
Project Tasks:
- Provide lot-based accounting for tracking of the movement of dates of production, excise stamps and printing of correct shipment documents
- Provide a possibility of identification of goods by barcodes of excise stamps
- Implement integration of a management system for semi-automatic narrow-passage Jungheinrich pilers
- Implement maintaining the reference book of ranges of excise stamps
Functionality of the WMS system:
- Lot-based accounting for work with excise stamps and dates of production, purpose of batches on acceptance
- Identification of goods by barcodes of excises and ranges of excise stamps
- Specialized workplace for the narrow-passage piler
- Assembly of sets
- Confidential acceptance when moving between warehouse
Project Results:
- The issue of the automated accounting of ranges of excise stamps is resolved
- The supply chain between legal entities of the Customer is optimized
- Operation of the narrow-passage equipment is automated
- Accounting accuracy is increased
- The dependence on personnel is reduced
- 2 places of the operator of a warehouse, 3 places of the operator of the piler, 10 places of storekeepers are automated (with connection of radio data collection terminals)