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Fitnesbar organized an IT environment in an IaaS-cloud

Customers: Fitnesbar

St. Petersburg; Trade

Product: IT-Grad Cloud IaaS
На базе: VMware Cloud Director

Project date: 2015/04  - 2015/08


On November 16, 2015 it became known of the project of transfer of IT infrastructure of network company Fitnesbar in IaaS cloud from IT-Grad[1].

Project Tasks

The company initially formed as online store, but the demand of a sport pit quickly pushed owners to development of the project and creation of retail network. For one office and a warehouse the information system on the Windows platform with tools like 1C was used. Such back-end found room in the small server premises with own equipment. Emergence of additional retail outlets complicated a task as it was required to provide shared access to Trade management 1C base, as for office, and remote divisions of the company.

Use of a terminal server - the simplest and, to some extent, the graceful solution of a task: users from different places are connected to the general terminal server which has a direct access to bases. This scheme was decided to be used in But reality always surovy.

The available equipment physically did not provide the growing loading by the number of users, saving adequate response time.

Fitnesbar (2014)

After calculations and estimations, the company made the decision on transfer of IT infrastructure in a cloud.

Project Progress

Migration in a cloud environment is complete at once and completely, after its setup by specialists of IT-Grad. The specialist of the customer needed to adjust infrastructure to requirements of the company.

After that, the installers of MSI prepared in RemoteApp extended on workstations without stopping of workflow. Upon completion of the worker of a DB archived and transferred to a cloud server.

Technical implementation: the company uses as a software platform Windows Server 2008 R2 + 1C + SQL. The layer of virtualization is provided VMware vCloud in a cloud IT-Grad.

As terminal services used the RemoteApp function which is built in Windows, she allows to make the terminal the most transparent for the user.

Several months later there was a problem of creation of uniform mail infrastructure. The company selected Alt-N MDaemon Messaging Server. Start of MDaemon demanded the solution of some additional tasks specialists of IT-Grad, like the wrong records in global DNS for work of mail.

After a while the file option of a DB of 1C did not cope with loadings any more and the decision on transition to the SQL version of base was made. The linking of MS Windows Server + was initially used by MS SQL, but on Debian GNU/Linux + PostgreSQL decided to migrate afterwards. Such system is less exacting to resources and it allowed to add new users with the minimum effects for performance.

Project Results

"General impressions from work with clouds positive. Resource allocation is quite transparent, and productivities to us enough. There are certain plans for transfer in a cloud of new services, but so far it is only plans, and their implementation depends on a business development vector", - Anton Shushunov, the FitnessBar system administrator noted.
