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Emersit-OS.10 (AS of MOS)

Developers: Emersit
Last Release Date: 2014/12/12
Branches: Government and social institutions
Technology: Situational centers

Emersit-OS.10 (AS of MOS) - an automated system of monitoring of an operational situation.

The automated system of monitoring of an operational situation (AS of MOS) of "Emersit-OS.10" is intended for tracking and rapid response to events of technogenic, natural, social and household character which effects can have an impact on life activity of the locality, city, area, region.

The EXPERT of MOS "Emersit-OS.10" integrates in himself data of different services and departments for the complex analysis, prevention and neutralization of possible effects of abnormal and extreme character.

Data collection is conducted, both in the automatic mode, and in the mode of operational data entry by specialists of different services. Interaction of systems is executed by the principle of bilateral integration that allows all participants of a system to transfer and obtain information necessary for operational work. It guarantees to operators and owners of AS of MOS obtaining operational information in short lines and in the volume necessary for decision making.

The mechanisms of integration put in a system allow to implement assorted MOS of a system in the mode of automatic data acquisition:

  • AIS of monitoring of moving objects
  • AIS of monitoring of a flood situation
  • AIS of monitoring of weather (meteorological station of a different type)
  • AIS of control of the gas environment
  • object systems of a different type (fire, security, etc.)
  • other systems necessary for creation of a system of operational monitoring in the specific territory

in the mode of bilateral integration during the work in interaction with operators of different services and departments:

  • video surveillance systems ("Safe city", departmental, etc.);
  • Service-112
  • monitoring systems of parameters of the environment
  • services of operational services on duty and dispatching
  • municipal services on duty and dispatching
  • administrations of municipalities, cities, regions

other services, departments, the organizations according to the principles of creation of a system of operational monitoring in the specific territory of implementation

The EXPERT of MOS processes information containing operational data on the taking place events in the controlled territory, the extensive base of the regulatory and reference information necessary for the complete analysis of a situation and a possibility of fast decision making.

Assorted information representation of MOS is possible as in a traditional type (tabular, text, documentary), and in graphic (charts, diagrams) and also in cartographic (with a possibility of use of local and global cartographic services — ArcGIS Google Map Yandex. Maps OpenStreetMap, etc.). The possibility of setup of the modes allows to create the mixed mode which is most conveniently combining all specified methods of representation and information processing.

The structure of AS of MOS is founded on the principles of modularity, bidirectional hierarchy and separation of access rights. The bidirectional hierarchy allows to adapt most precisely a system to the territory of functioning, to organize a continuous bidirectional data stream about the taking place events, reaction on them of the organizations and departments of different subordination, to carry out additive and timing analysis of data retrieveds, as fast as possible to attract resources of different levels to operational prevention and mitigation of consequences abnormal and emergencies.

Modularity allows to put quickly into operation other participants, organizing their work according to the uniform principles of AS of MOS, to integrate assorted MOS own automated systems of services and departments, to expand basic functionality of the existing modules for increase in overall effectiveness of system operation.

The existing mechanism of separation of access rights and assorted works of MOS helps to organize work of each participant of a system (the organizations, services, etc.) according to specific functional duties without intervention in work of other participants.

The EXPERT of MOS — the flexible, adaptive system of decision support with a possibility of vertical and horizontal integration allowing to solve problems of operational monitoring in different scales and conditions.