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CMD-Soft: Sapphire is Insurance Company

Developers: CMD-Soft
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/12/09
Branches: Insurance
Technology: Accounting systems

Sapphire - Insurance Company - the program of accounting and control of assets of insurance company.

On December 9, 2015 the CMD-Soft company announced an output to the market of software "the Sapphire - Insurance Company" for accounting and asset management of insurance companies.

"SAPFIR is Insurance Company" is a part of an automated system of Sapphire-SD and provides to the staff of specialized depositary the modern level of information support for accomplishment of professional activity on service of insurance companies.

The created solution helps specialized depositary to provide solving of tasks:

  • daily control of fulfillment of requirements to qualitative structure and structure of the assets accepted for a covering of insurance reserves and own means (capital) of the insurer;
  • registration and storage of the documents arriving from insurance company, with a possibility of quick search and access to them directly from a system (The magazine of Incoming documents).
  • import of a part of sections of "Report on structure and structure of assets" of form No. 7 insurer.
  • formation of a cut of insurance company, the list and calculation of property value of insurance company as of any date and time.
  • automatic calculation of Control Ratios and asset allocation for several algorithms, including a possibility of the subsequent manual correction of results of distribution.
  • accounting of transactions with money, including – the automated procedure of import, control and accounting of bank statements in different formats.
  • accounting of transactions with securities:
    • the automated import and control of reports of the broker in different formats;
    • accounting of the stock exchange transactions;
    • accounting of off-exchange transactions;
    • asset revaluation;
    • import of quotations from different marketplaces.

  • accounting of real estate transactions.
  • accounting of transactions with other property.
  • maintaining the magazine about transactions with property.
  • maintaining magazine of Violations.
  • maintaining Magazine of Outgoing documents.
  • export of information on violations in a format of the program questionnaire of preparation of the electronic documents represented by participants of financial market to the Bank of Russia.

Screenshot of the program window, 2015

"SAPFIR is Insurance Company" considers requirements of the Bank of Russia imposed to a system of accounting of specialized depositary and an order of its maintaining, stated in "Provision on activity of specialized depositaries" No. 474-P (utv. Bank of Russia 6/10/2015). When forming the Cut and calculating Control Ratios Instructions of the Central Bank of Russia are fully considered:

  • Instruction No. 3444-U "About an order of investment of means of insurance reserves and the list of the assets permitted for investment"
  • Instruction No. 3445-U "About an order of investment of own means (capital) of the insurer and the list of the assets permitted for investment"

Screenshot of the program window, 2015

The product "SAPPHIRE-Insurance Company" has all flexibility of an automated system of "SAPFIR-SD" which is based on the powerful financial and managerial Microsoft Dynamics NAV system. The functionality of the module includes tools for coincidence tuning of a system under requirements of the customer:

  • setup of structure and structure of assets of the insurance reserves and own means (capital) accepted in a covering;
  • setup of rules of assessment of property of insurance company;
  • choice of algorithms of calculation of control ratios;
  • import of data from files in a form which is used in specialized depositary;
  • simple setup of templates for unloading of information in external sources.

In a system the tool for the independent description operates with the user of rules of Assessment of property of Insurance Company.

A system is created taking into account wishes of specialists to work ergonomics. Access to all transactions is executed through appropriate sections of the Role Center. At the same time the user has possibility of setup and change of the interface of any section for ensuring bigger convenience and performance of the work. Submission of reference books and documents (visibility of fields, columns, options and so forth) is easily configured at the request of the user without participation of the system administrator.

The family of the solutions "SAPFIR-SD" is a unique combination of experience of practical specialists and Microsoft Dynamics technologies for the purpose of professional service automation of specialized depositaries. An exit of the Sapphire — Insurance Company system is scheduled event which allows to provide our customers with the necessary software solution for daily work by the time of entry into force of requirements of the regulator.