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Relief (First BPM Form)

Customers: Relief


Product: The first Form (management system)

Project date: 2011/08  - 2013/09
Number of licenses: 100

The first acquaintance to First Form took place in 2011 when the owner of the company set the task to increase controllability business and to provide control of execution on places. Already by the beginning of 2013 all primary operating activities are transferred to First Form.

The incomplete process list, own IT specialists implemented by forces:

  • problem definition and control according to plans of works orders,
  • control of management of overdue receivables, approval of the different classified memos,
  • internal document flow
  • exchange of documents with partners,
  • Help Desk of IT service,
  • work of HR department (acceptance/dismissal of the employee, his training and adaptation, etc.).

One of the last significant projects — is implemented powerful end-to-end process of the order of goods to the supplier, integration of First Form and own database of Relyef company is made.

Almost all divisions, about 100 people, including one of owners, are active users of a system. And today I can safely tell that First Form is an integral part of life of the company — V.Yu. Martyanov, the technical director of Relyef LLC noted.