Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Tot, group of companies (Open Source HH.WMS (OHE.WMS))

Customers: Tot, group of companies

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: ConsID ConsID
Product: ConsID WMS (before Open Source HH.WMS OHE.WMS)
На базе: ConsID Platform (ранее Open HandHeld Engine OHE)

Project date: 2013/07  - 2013/12
Number of licenses: 20

Automation based on OHE.WMS v4.0. Start in operation of a wholesale warehouse of children's goods under control of OHE.WMS is the next stage of improvement of quality of work and the rendered services to the clients by the Tot company.

The implementation project of the OHE.WMS system is executed in several stages: 1 stage. development of the project documentation and technical specifications; 2 stage. adaptation and setup of all processes in OHE.WMS on the basis of technical specifications; 3 stage. Preparation for start. - radio inspection of a covering and installation of a wireless network; - the software installation on an object of the Customer and setup of the equipment; - training in work in the system of key users of a system and the warehouse employees; - test start of a sisitema; 4 stage. Start of a system in operation 5 stage. Remote designer's service and transition to technical support of the working system.

Within the project of automation special attention is paid:

  • to work with the goods sets consisting of component parts (children's furniture, carriages and td.);
  • identification and accounting of the movement within one product code, goods with different characteristics: color, the size, a tariff (clothes, products from plastic, carriages, chairs and td.).