Customers: Energy Systems of the East (RAO ES of the East) Contractors: InfoPro Group Product: InfoPro: Power managementProject date: 2015/06 - 2015/12
The INFOPRO group successfully completed implementation of a management information system of power management of JSC RAO Energy Systems of East Holding. This system is the first similar development in Russia for the generating enterprises of the power industry. IUS was implemented within research and development which reflects the state and regional policy in the field of energy saving in the industry, by production, transportation and transfer of all types of TER.
The implementation project was expected 6 months, all works were completed term. The implemented information system will allow to provide:
- energy saving business process optimization;
- collecting in uniform base of information on objects and the equipment;
- timely updating of all changing data;
- obtaining summary information on energy saving processes;
- possibility of decision-making on the basis of reliable data;
- accounting of the planned and implemented actions for energy saving;
- formation of storage of the innovative, energy efficient solutions;
- timely and in time the created state and regional reporting in the field of energy saving.
- creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for attraction of additional investments into DZO (VZO);
- existence of the relevant register of normative and legal and normative and technical acts in the field of the innovative development, energy saving and increase in power efficiency;
At the moment specialists of INFOPRO company perform warranty support of the implemented system.