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Nival transported servers in data center of the UDI

Customers: Nival Networks

Information technologies

Product: DPC of Xelent (before SDN) St. Petersburg
На базе: Stack. Cube

Project date: 2015/03  - 2015/11

UDI LLC and Nival company signed in 2015 the agreement on placement of the server hardware on the technology platform of data center of the UDI.

"In the last year the St. Petersburg studio considerably grew and today is the largest division of Nival working on the main project of the company - "Blitzkrieg 3, – Sergey Orlovsky, SEO and the founder of the company says. – "Therefore the decision on transfer of head office to the Northern Capital was made".

When choosing the platform in St. Petersburg the Nival company faced deficit of the DPCs capable to service the high-loaded IT systems. Market research showed that in the city there are less than 5 data centers meeting all requirements of the customer to security and uninterrupted operation of infrastructure.

At the beginning of January, 2016 the 6th queue is put into operation. Mounted capacity of DPC is 1074 server racks.