Customers: MTS Belorus Minsk; Telecommunication and communication Contractors: Telesens - Telesens Product: Telesens: Tinterconnect (T-IC)Project date: 2015/07 - 2015/11
On November 23, 2015 the Telesens company announced system implementation of settlement of Tinterconnect (T-IC) in MTS Belorus company.
Work result
Implementation of a billing system of settlement of Tinterconnect will help MTS to increase efficiency interconnect business due to growth of completeness and accuracy of settlings with partners, timely drawing of accounts and quick start of services, including - services of providing content.
Advertizing of MTS Belorus (2013)
In the project progress on implementation of Tinterconnect in MTS Belorus we successfully adapted a system for ensuring settlement on numerous services of the operator, including content. With it we were helped by a professional team of specialists of MTS Belorus. We have big plans for joint development of a system, and we are sure of development of cooperation with all companies of group of MTS. Shamil Nazipov, marketing and sales director of Telesens company