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ProfTek: Call script

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: ProfTek
Technology: CRM,  IP telephony

The solution "Call Script" is intended for automation of work of sales managers who make many phone calls and should adhere to certain scenarios in a conversation with clients.

The functionality of the solution automates creation of scenarios of a conversation, for example, such as passing of "a secretarial barrier" or a conversation with the person making the decision. It is possible to create an unlimited number of scenarios, depending on specifics of sales processes of the organization and to register nodes of scenarios with a set of possible answers and objections which can be expected from clients.

Using a product the following problems are solved: creation of scripts for dialog with different categories of clients and contact persons of the companies, depending on their role that the manager had a ready answer for all occasions and any objection of the client.

Talk remains in information base of "[1C: Enterprise]", with indication of the client, start time and the end of a conversation, comments and the sequence of points of the scenario which were passed in a conversation with the client.

The configuration is original. Solution "ProfTek: The call script" can be used as a separate configuration or can be built in other configuration "1C: Enterprise".

The 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform is necessary for a program runtime. The solution works both in the mode normal, and in the mode of managed application.