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Trinity created the protected data network for Association of Sozvezdiye management companies

Customers: AUK constellation

Housing and public utilities, service and household services

Contractors: Trinity Groups
Product: DPC Projects of creation and upgrade

Project date: 2015/03  - 2016/01
-1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements

The Trinity system integrator completed at the beginning of 2016 the project on creation of the protected data network for AUK "Constellation". The company specializes in professional management of housing stock, among her clients — more than 200,000 households and legal entities from all Russia.

For the last few years in the company the amount of the data transferred between divisions considerably increased, and the existing infrastructure providing data transmission via secure channels ceased to cope with loading. It was necessary to perform upgrade of the protected data network — this task was entrusted specialists of Trinity.

Use of modern network equipment not only in the main data center of AUK "Constellation", but also in more than 100 divisions and branches is the cornerstone of the solution developed by Trinity company. In the main DPC the companies are set Cisco ASA 5515-X routers, in divisions of the company - Cisco ASA 5505.

Engineers of Trinity configured a core of a data network and created templates for fast deployment and connection of routers on remote objects. It will lower operating costs of a data network and will allow specialists of AUK "Constellation" to add easily new devices to infrastructure of network, minimizing the probability of failures in its work.

"The solution created by Trinity company allowed us to overcome infrastructure performance concerns. Now our protected network works not only quickly, but also provides protection against failures and hardware failures. And in case of the serious growth of amounts of the transmitted data the architecture of network allows to increase quickly capacities without essential costs" — the technical director Shelepov Dmitry, the project manager on implementation of IT solutions in AUK "Constellation" says.