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Wind River Titanium Server CPE

Developers: Wind River Systems
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016
Technology: SDN Software-Defined Network Software-defined networks,  Virtualization

The Wind River company submitted in the spring of 2016 the platform called Wind River Titanium Server CPE which "can accelerate implementation of technologies of virtualization of network functions (NFV), in particular – the case vCPE (virtualization of customer network services)". In addition to it, Wind River was succeeded to improve a reference platform of Titanium Server on several indicators – performance, scalability and simplicity of commissioning.

vCPE assumes virtualization of the network functions which are traditionally implemented in the form of physical devices (Router, Firewall, etc.), and their "transfer" on standard h86 servers. Virtualization of customer network services at the moment is one of the most demanded cases of use of the NFV technologies assuming decrease in operating costs by more effective utilization of computing resources and flexibility of management of services.

According to the company, "thanks to the Titanium Server CPE platform, service providers will be able to begin implementation of services vCPE using only two servers. The architecture is aimed at maximizing number of the users serviced by one server, ensuring performance and fault tolerance of Carrier Grade of a class".