Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Sberbank defined the system developer of management of IT infrastructure based on OpenStack

Customers: Sberbank of the Russian Federation

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Mirantis
Product: OpenStack

Project date: 2016/04  - 2017/11
Project's budget: 35.4 million руб.

Sberbank defined the winner of competition on software development for dynamic infrastructure management based on OpenStack[1]. The Mirantis company which lowered the price offer from 64.3 to 35.4 million rubles became it.

The general duration of project works should not exceed 18 calendar months from the moment of agreement signature.

Applications for tender were also submitted by the companies "Technoserv of AS", "EMS Information Sistemy Si - Ah-Es" and "I-Teco".

The automated system "The platform of dynamic infrastructure (IaaS)" (AS of PDI) will be used for management of the test environments intended for testing and application development (for example, Internet bank for retail and corporate clients).

Main objective of creation of AS of PDI is increase in efficiency of providing compound infrastructure services for environments of testing and development, said in the technical project.

The EXPERT of PDI should not contain any closed or commercial software in the structure. All components of a system should be distributed under the "open" licenses (for example: Apache 2.0, GPL, LGPL, MIT, Creative Commons) which should be compatible among themselves. In documentation models of licensing of modules of the platform should be specified a system in an explicit form.

Installation of a system in general, as well as installation of separate parts of a system, should not impose additional requirements to purchase of software licenses of third-party producers.

Hardware and the software of a system should conform to requirements of industry standards. During creation of a system it is necessary to use the serial equipment, standard software solutions and software tools. As the basic the open source software should be used.

Sberbank in the technical project requires that the program code developed within the project was supported by community OpenStack.

In particular, positive reviews from community on the code, specifications and automatic tests, and all results of works should be provided should be placed in the main public repository of the source code OpenStack (

In case of development within the project of application packages for OpenStack Murano not specific to infrastructure of Sberbank (for example DBMS Oracle, software IBM WebSphere , etc.), these application packages should be placed on

All changes of reference architecture of OpenStack should be implemented using the regular and provided by architecture expansion mechanism (plug-ins of OpenStack Deployment Service (Fuel) for the purpose of recurrence at repeated deployment.

The contractor of the project also should provide compatibility and support of the changes in a program code, documentation, specifications and automatic tests included in public repositories for the subsequent releases of Openstack, their compatibility with other Openstack components and the used Openstack distribution kit in process of development of Openstack and release of new releases.
