The modern information technology industry faces the increasing threats in the field of security. With respect thereto, special importance is purchased by tasks of counteraction to attempts of cracking of corporate systems both from the outside, and from within and also determinations of accurate criteria of legitimacy of use of data and control over their implementation in practice. It is especially difficult to provide safe use of information for unstructured data in files, in shared folders, in e-mail messages, on portals for collective work on projects and in other sources.
The solution SecurityIQ of SailPoint company will help provide accomplishment of a task of management and control of use of unstructured data.
Basic functions of this system:
- monitoring in real time activities of users at the addressing files and objects;
- the analysis of the rights granted to users to separate objects and folders, identification of not used and excess access;
- categorization of data, proceeding from their contents by the rules set by the administrator; determination of folders where the data, most important and critical for business, are stored; organization of additional control over access to them;
- placement and request processing on providing access on the configured procedures of approval of requests.
SecurityIQ by Infosec Institute (
See Also: