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2016/05/17 19:29:31

Interview with the director of IT department of Bistrodengi group Kirill of Kibalko

To remain afloat in an ideal storm in lending market financial business actively looks for new ways for cost reduction and increase in profitability. IFI Bistrodengi made up the mind to more cardinal step — creation of a new format of service. How using the bpm'online platform IFI took the first step to creation of financial supermarket, in an interview of TAdviser the director of the department of information technologies of Bistrodengi group Kirill of Kibalko told.

Kirill of Kibalko: Crisis is time of profitable investments into IT

Create a new technology platform, having combined several solutions and transfer to it all company — the non-standard solution. What premises led you to it?

Kirill of Kibalko: The main premises are a support of the development strategy of the company on conversion of retail network to financial supermarket. First of all, she assumes expansion of a line of own products and support of a full stroke of work with financial instruments, such as issue of a loan, its repayment, collecting process. Also financial supermarket assumes sales of products of partners, for example, of an insurance, credit reports, SIM cards and other. The platform of it existing in the company did not allow to do. Ready-made monolithic solutions in the market were not therefore we concentrated on component architecture, having picked up the best solutions on each of the business directions.

How now do vendors which solutions you integrated help to use the new platform?

Kirill of Kibalko: The project is large-scale, costly in terms of material, temporary and human resources. To exclude doubts, we took as a basis Best Practice the solutions used in large retail banks. With each of vendors the agreement on maintenance is signed with strict conditions on the speed of reaction to a request. We address them the questions requiring special examination of systems. As for daily support and service, we perform them by own forces. For this purpose initially carefully created the corporate competence center.

You selected a method of Big Bang — in one day you started all platform on more than 1300 users in 500 offices in 4-hour belts. How did you prepare for it? Why refused a standard test team of employees who some time work in a system before official start?

Kirill of Kibalko: For such transition we needed about six months for complete testing of processes and functions of systems. Thanks to so careful approach to own testing we won more than half a year in project implementation that is powerful advantage in the conditions of the high competition in microfinancial market. Migration was carried out by forces of participants of an internal project team and experts from vendors. In total more than ten people were involved. At first procedures were developed and tested. Then began to convert the historical database which is saved up in seven years from the moment of foundation of the company. In day of start to it tightened the rest of data as the company performance did not stop for a minute, loans continued to be issued and serviced.

Did you integrate into a uniform complex several systems at once, it was how difficult to make it? Whether you are going to integrate in it still some solutions / services / applications — whether there are for this purpose technical capabilities?

Kirill of Kibalko: It is difficult and useful experience which allowed us to understand well systems, to use their best opportunities and to configure architecture so that it completely met our requirements. As for additional integration, it also was the strategic requirement to the new platform. We actively integrate new technologies and data sources into a system. Now, for example, there takes place technical implementation of sources of Big Data for scoring quality improvement.

Among key parts of the platform there is a solution for the front office which is most important for high-quality work with the client. What solution you selected and what factors influenced it?

Kirill of Kibalko: We selected a professional CRM system which implements technology of work of the front office in the retail companies. Now in this direction two products are most actively provided, and we will compare their functionality for pursued by us is more whole. However the Terrasoft command (Terrasoft, CU-Consulting) showed the greatest interest in implementation of our tasks. And we selected them as the supplier as the involved participation of vendor, certainly, is important for any project.

What tasks did you set for the Terrasoft command?

Kirill of Kibalko: The main is implementation of the front office so that all our historical practices in the previous system were implemented in new taking into account the growing business needs. Thus, experts used our business experience, having strengthened it modern and convenient solutions. Also Terrasoft was focused that it should be the universal system supporting the concept of financial supermarket.

How work with the new front office and the new platform is felt by your clients?

Kirill of Kibalko: Clients do not work directly in the system, and receive better service because the increasing part of operations is performed quicker owing to reduction of a share of the manual mode. Also thanks to the new platform our offices are transformed to a convenient service of complex financial service where it is possible to receive comfortably different financial and non-financial services.

And employees? What is the time left on training of employees in work with new solutions? How you are going to train new?

Kirill of Kibalko: Planning period of training passed within two weeks. It was carried out by forces of own training center, the program was developed together with experts of vendors. Training of new employees is provided also in training center of the company. Employees who passed from an old system to new, noted that they mastered the updated interface literally in two-three days of direct work.

The similar project requires considerable finance costs. As far as they are justified? And during what time it is worth waiting for return of investments?

Kirill of Kibalko: The project has no direct return of investments. It strategic also allows to implement model of financial supermarket. Without implementation of this concept we just could not develop the business. Therefore we expect indirect return of means, including through sales of products of partners.

During crisis all tell about expense reduction on IT projects. At the same time, you selected industrial and rather expensive solutions for implementation. Share a secret how you manage to protect budgets on IT before investors?

Kirill of Kibalko: The project is key for development of our business therefore got support of investors. Yes, he demands big finance costs, but as a result is transformed to the maximum efficiency at making decision on issue of a loan and the high level of customer service, allows to start and implement new products, including non-financial. Crisis is time of profitable investments.