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Баннер в шапке 2

Fraudex: Fraudinform

The name of the base system (platform): Fraudex: FraudWall
Developers: Fraudex, Center of Speech Technologies (CST)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016/04/11
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: Cybersecurity - Authentication,  cybersecurity - Biometric identification,  cybersecurity - the Fraud detection system (fraud),  the Systems of remote banking

Fraudinform is technology of check and identification of suspicious payments.

On April 11, 2016 the Fraudex company announced release on the market of Fraudinform technology. Software development is carried out together with Fraudex CST company[1].

At the heart of Fraudinform technology two components:

Representation of dialog of system (2016)

At identification the antifraud system of FraudWall of suspicious payment, VoiceNavigator automatically calls the client and in the course of real-life communication (a system asks questions by the synthesized voice, and answers of the client are processed using a speech sensing technology) checks information.

After "live" verification of details of payment and obtaining information on its status, the antifraud system makes the decision on execution, or a stop of payment and communication of the client with the real employee of the bank for clarification of circumstances.

The scenario of dialog can be any, necessary for bank. Besides, if for large sums of payment the bank wants to use only communication of the real employee with the client, then in the interface an antifraud system it is possible just to set threshold value of the amount.

For security use of biometric client authentication on its voice or by a confidential word, depending on desire of the customer is possible.


FraudWall and VoiceNavigator are established on separate servers in banking institution and do not use cloud computing in work. Any of systems does not collect confidential information.

Fraudinform is executed in the form of the "boxed" solution.

Fraudinform is an effective alternative on a ratio price \quality for communication with the client in payment process. Traditionally confirmation is executed by means of the SMS with the code, hardware-software devices (generators of one-time codes, cryptocalculators, TrustScreen devices, etc.) can be used. But SMS become less safe - swindlers developed the whole family of trojans for their interception, and hardware-software devices – expensively and not always conveniently.

Sensing technology and speech synthesis of CST allow to hold with the client the dialogue similar to a conversation with the operator, excepting a human factor.
