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The CASE system integrated branches of Gazprom Kyrgyzstan holding in uniform documentary space

Customers: Gazprom Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek; Gas industry

Product: Case (EOS Group)

Project date: 2016/03  - 2016/09
Number of licenses: 110


About the Customer

OSOO "Gazprom Kyrgyzstan" is subsidiary of Gazprom LLC. Priority activities "Gazprom Kyrgyzstan" are:

  • transportation, distribution and implementation of natural gas;
  • reconstruction and expansion of the operating gas pipeline systems and the underground gas storages (UGS) in the Kyrgyz Republic;

"The Gazprom Kyrgyzstan" is a monopolist on natural gas import to the Kyrgyz Republic. Total length of the gas pipelines belonging to the company is 3517.17 km. The structure of Gazprom Kyrgyzstan holding includes 9 remote branches.

The CASE system integrated branches of Gazprom Kyrgyzstan holding in uniform documentary space

Requirement and premises of implementation of EDMS

Before implementation EDMS "CASE" in OSOO "Gazprom Kyrgyzstan" document flow was organized in the system of own development. This system allowed to register documents (to assign numbers and to print registration cards) and to control execution, but had no functionality for storage of electronic images of documents and their transfer between divisions. Also a system did not allow to automate preparation of the reporting under document flow, all analytics became manually.

Registration of the incoming documents proceeding signed by the management and ORD was conducted in this system on a centralized basis by department of preschool educational institution. Memos signed by chiefs of departments were registered in departments in paper magazines. In separate magazines the specialists responsible for office-work fixed the preschool educational institutions arriving from department documents (without assignment of new number). These magazines confirmed the fact of receipt of the document in division and fixed receipt date. Control of execution of documents was generally exercised through mailing of cards reminders by department of preschool educational institution, own control of division was not conducted. Exchange of documents on a route of preschool educational institution – Departments (contractors) was performed by e-mail.

Approval of draft documents was performed on paper. Because approval the large volume of documents (ORD (orders, orders) required, a part of outgoing correspondence in third parties, internal memos of financial character, etc.), on these procedures a lot of time was spent.

Such scheme of document flow complicated implementation of management processes and work with documents in this connection the decision on system implementation of electronic document management was made.

What was important?

The fact that the Gazprom Kyrgyzstan company is subsidiary of Gazprom LLC substantially determined approaches to formalization of internal activity and the requirement to use of the high-tech solution by management of documents. The holding works in the legal framework of Kyrgyzstan that also affects specifics of business processes.

The main criteria at the choice of EDMS were dictated by a combination of factors of activity of the company in the republican market and at the same time in close interaction with the Russian structures. The circumstance was also important that in connection with change of the owner in 2014 and deep reorganization of the enterprise the maximum optimization of a ratio of the financial investments with final effect of implementation and operation of EDMS was required.

A system which was selected for implementation owed:

  • conform to rather strict original requirements and selection criteria;
  • promote unification and upgrade of work with documents and support of management processes;
  • create a common information space for collective interaction, irrespective of use scale;
  • have not only sufficient functionality "in a box", but also a modern technology stock for the subsequent functional development.

According to the results of the analysis of the offers presented at the market EDMS "DELO" as it most fully met the above-stated requirements was selected. So, the following key advantages of EDMS "CASE were mentioned:

  • the functional sufficiency of the "boxed" version for a scope of all necessary processes of automation of work with documents which is not requiring modular assembly or additional costs on adaptation of the tools which are available "in a box";
  • existence of a possibility of adaptation of a system regular means to all existing features of the developed office-work and document flow of the enterprise and also the applied Russian and international standards and requirements of regulations;
  • possibility of the subsequent easy "vertical" and "horizontal" scaling of a system within holding, including by forces of the specialists;
  • reliability in operation which is not requiring too large-scale investments in hardware infrastructure and the maintenance of specially selected team of specialists for service (will note that now all specialists of OSOO "Gazprom Kyrgyzstan" involved in system maintenance are the permanent members of staff of divisions who had the corresponding training and perform these functions among others of job responsibilities);
  • an opportunity to provide the high level of information security, including use of digital signature certificates and enciphering, was studied and approved by specialists of security services of the enterprise;
  • also qualification and experience of specialists of integrator and services of technical maintenance were highly appreciated.

Project Tasks

The main tasks of the project became:

  • creation of electronic archive with a possibility of quick search of documents;
  • the organization of approval of documents in electronic form (acceptance of an electronic mark about vising as the sign manual (without additional collection of visas of approval on paper));
  • ensuring operational bringing documents to the contractor and transparency of processes of execution (who the contractor, at what stage execution, the intermediate and final results of work);
  • automation of control of execution of documents and preparation of the reporting;
  • consolidation of divisions in uniform documentary space (a possibility of exchange of documents between branches in the workflow system).

Project Progress

On start of the project was analyzed the existing scheme of office-work and management of the company and the scheme of transfer of basic processes of documentary interaction to paperless area is developed. So, the majority of draft documents was decided to approve in electronic form. Besides, the requirements of information security providing reliability of the processed information and actions of users in a system were considered.

The customer purchased 110 jobs of the CASE system (56 of them – the web client), 16 licenses for the option "Scanning", 30 – on a subsystem "The notification and the notification". A system "CASE" was installed in department of preschool educational institution, other divisions of head office and in all branches. At all staff of department of preschool educational institution line scanners and the option "Scanning" which allows to attach the scanned images of documents in EDMS, to registration cards at once were installed (without intermediate preserving of the file on the user's computer).

In the database of a system standard document groups are created, for each branch own card file is organized. Except the staff of department of preschool educational institution, in a system deputy managers, chiefs of departments, clerks of departments got access.

Functionality of a system

The employees working in EDMS had an opportunity to perform all transactions with documents in a system. At the same time for each category of users the packet of functionality of a system is used:

  • staff of department of preschool educational institution performs document registration in EDMS, prepares draft resolutions for the management, exercises control of completion dates of documents, creates analytics on document flow and performing discipline;
  • deputy managers perform in a system acquaintance with documents, the approval of the draft resolutions prepared by department of preschool educational institution, pronouncement of resolutions, approval of draft documents, conducting personal control;
  • chiefs of departments (work with the web client) – acquaintance with documents, pronouncement of resolutions, conducting personal control, creation of registration cards of draft documents, approval of draft documents. The option "Notifications and Notifications" allows these two categories of users (deputy managers and chiefs of departments) to obtain quickly information on receipt of documents and on approach of completion dates of instructions, vising of projects, etc.
  • clerks of departments – bringing documents to the staff of the department who does not have access to EDMS, creation of projects and introduction of reports of the contractor on behalf of such employees.

Project Results

Now the CASE system in OSOO "Gazprom Kyrgyzstan" is brought into commercial operation. System implementation allowed to solve all assigned tasks. At the enterprise managerial document flow is automated, in EDMS "DELO establishes documentary cooperation of central office with branches. In holding the system of the distributed execution control which gave the chance to get rid of manual collecting and formation of statistical and analytical reporting information is built.

System implementation "CASE" allowed to simplify routes of the movement of documents significantly. In particular, exchange of documents between branches and divisions of central office is implemented by means of EDMS now (without participation of service of preschool educational institution). The re-registration of documents in divisions is excluded, several groups of internal documents are transferred to a paperless type.

Deputy managers and chiefs of departments perform all transactions with documents in EDMS. The majority of draft documents undergo approval in EDMS in a paperless type now. Heads of divisions and deputy managers of the enterprise appreciated an opportunity to exclude dead times when it was succeeded to reduce significantly the number of personal visits of employees on the different questions connected with documents and it is more rational to organize the working day.

In the project progress the new Regulations of work with documents which formally fixed the reached document flow business process optimization were developed and approved. In further plans of OSOO "Gazprom Kyrgyzstan" – increase in number of users of EDMS and more complete mastering of functionality of a system for the purpose of ensuring full-scale documentary interaction of all holding structure. Also there is interest in mobile applications for work of the management of holding in EDMS "DELO".