Customers: Perlovsky power equipment plant Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: 1C Architect of business (1AB Master) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2006/03
Number of licenses: 25
In "Perlovsky Power Equipment Plant" (PPEP) the first stage of implementation of an end-to-end automated system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.0" is completed. According to representatives of the company "1st architect of business" performing system implementation, one of key features of the project was the fact that at the enterprise one of the first releases of "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.0" was implemented. For this reason the decision on step-by-step system deployment was made.
As project participants say, during the course of performance the first stage the following subsystems are implemented: "Payroll", Personnel management, Accounting and Operational accounting. The total quantity of the automated jobs reached 25.
During the course of performance the next stage of system implementation it is going to automate production sites and design department of PZEO.
"the Perlovsky power equipment plant" makes the equipment and spare parts for nuclear power stations. Key customers of the enterprise – Rosenergoatom, the Kursk NPP, the Smolensk NPP, etc.