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In Salym Petroleum Development the analysis system, managements and optimization of oil production is optimized

Customers: Salym Petroleum Development (SPD)

Project date: 2015/03  - 2015/09

Bell Integrator optimized an analysis system, managements and optimization of oil production, work of wells and the equipment (WRFM - Well, Reservoir and Facility Management) Salym Petroleum Development companies, Shell Salym Development joint venture and JSC Gazprom Neft. As a result of project implementation of Salym Petroleum Development reduced time for the analysis of indicators and also reduced terms on elimination of the reasons of a nedodobycha of oil.

Historically, for the analysis of keyword parameters of oil production, the Salym Petroleum Development company applied the solution displaying critical parameters for business a tabular style. However such method of visualization complicated the analysis of large volumes of data that led to delays of elimination of problems of work of wells and, as a result, to idle times. It is necessary to notice, at the same time, that idle time of one well turns for the company into serious financial losses.

For optimization and increase in efficiency of oil production specialists of Bell Integrator created the portal solution which allowed to reduce time of data analysis and acceptance of the weighed management decisions. The WRFM Portal portal includes a set of standard, intuitive elements of data visualization on key operational and technology indicators of each well.

The solution is from four sections displaying different operation parameters of wells, the oil-extracting equipment and also planned and actual targets of oil production. A system automatically reveals the problems arising in the course of oil production and ranges them from more important for the company to less significant.