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Баннер в шапке 2



Geometric specializes in engineering solutions, services and technologies. The portfolio of the company includes global engineering services, solutions for product lifecycle management, the solution for the built-in systems and digital technological solutions thanks to what the company is capable to develop, implement and implement the global engineering and production strategy aimed at achievement of more high efficiency in processes of product lifecycle.

Shares of the company are placed on Bombay and on National share the exchanges in India; on the published data the consolidated revenue of the company in a year which came to the end in March, 2014 made 10.95 billion rupees (181.39 million US dollars). The staff of the company totals about 4400 employees working in 12 branches worldwide including in the USA, France, Germany, Romania, India and in China. Geometric received assessment of CMMI 1.1 of Level 5 for the program services; engineering services are certified the companies in ISO 9001:2008. Besides, the company is certified on compliance to ISO 27001:2005.